Males and Females

Honestly I'm not really all that picky, I guess I prefer short skinnier girls but outside of that I'm not too concerned with specific traits looks wise.

Personality wise as long as they aren't a total bitch or a barbie doll I'm pretty flexible as well.

I dunno, I've been with a wide range of girls with varying body/personality type combinations and I've not quite settled on a exact preference.

Just someone I connect with well enough...
I'm not picky, but I do have my preferences. Girl I'm currently seeing just happens to meet those preferences, at least physically.
If I was looking for a serious relationship, I would never find a woman because they would have to be good enough to make me not want other women and to make my life very good. But, since I'm just looking for non-serious stuff, most women are welcome.
I don't really know what I want in a girl long-term.
Update on me and super-cute Chinese PhD girl i'm friends with:

Things were stagnant between us for the last few months of last year, but started getting interesting again around new year's eve. Between that and her birthday party last weekend she's been flirting quite unmistakably with me, and i feel compelled to make a move soon. Things are still moving slow, though.

I'm going to look for an excuse to hang out with her later this week and ask her out and/or kiss her for the first time. If it doesn't happen, i'll just have to call her over the weekend and ask her out. One way or other, i'm going to do something about this chick!
I signed up to okcupid and messaged every interesting girl I came across : "what the fuck are you doing on this website?".

I guess I'm not single now, but I am really picky. I used to say "must weigh under 190 lbs" but porkpal is 6'2 and 230 and I LOVE it.

The "unbearable guilt" factor is subsiding. I decided to be upfront (as upfront as I am capable of, anyway) and tell MP I was seeing someone else via casual mention in a text message. He never commented on it but you can't really miss something like that. We spoke on the phone last night and bullshitted about life and the state of the nation for a while. He sounded like he was doing well and whatnot, and I feel more at peace with things.

Meanwhile porkpal is still awesome aside from having the swine flu or something. Everything is great - we're going to monster trucks this weekend and a chicken wing festival next weekend, and he's bringing me to our state's Black/Latino/Asian Legislative Caucus Weekend to party. It's totally weird to be with someone who is exactly like me, but it's totally effortless and awesome, too.

GO GRANT GO! You and those damn Chinamen.
Porkpal has the swineflu.
Anyone else amused by that?

For the last couple months, my girlfriend has been pmsing harder than ever. I wish I knew why, it's getting fucking unbearable. Otherwise everything's awesome.
Right? Ironically, porkpal is a dark blond-haired blue-eyed Jew. Last year he was a big hit at the caucus because he brought two white chicks with big butts. I guess I'll have to settle for hearing about my "big fat ass" in the bedroom.

WAIF, do you mean she's been nonstop cranky for 2 months, or just had bad PMS two months consecutively?
I think i just figured out the game this girl's been playing with me.

I'm pretty sure she's interested, but there's always been this pattern with her that i find really confusing: she prefers getting together in a group setting with other guys, yet when we're in that setting she usually finds a way to make some kind of sneaky flirtatious gesture toward me. It always seemed like the biggest pair of mixed signals ever, but it didn't occur to me until now that it may be her preferred testing ground, and that she's hoping i learn to flirt "properly" with physical contact, clever timing, etc. Maybe joining her in this sneaky flirting game is my best shot at getting with her.
That's the difficulty of being INT in the dating game. You cannot merely respond on the fly properly. You need someone to give you the time to collect a substancial amount of information to analyze and form an appropriate plan of action.
zabu of nΩd;10148433 said:
I think i just figured out the game this girl's been playing with me.

I'm pretty sure she's interested, but there's always been this pattern with her that i find really confusing: she prefers getting together in a group setting with other guys, yet when we're in that setting she usually finds a way to make some kind of sneaky flirtatious gesture toward me. It always seemed like the biggest pair of mixed signals ever, but it didn't occur to me until now that it may be her preferred testing ground, and that she's hoping i learn to flirt "properly" with physical contact, clever timing, etc. Maybe joining her in this sneaky flirting game is my best shot at getting with her.

No it's not you fucking rook. GROW A PAIR AND ASK HER OUT!