Males and Females

Ex-girlfriend is with someone else now. I know I'm the one that dumped her, but for the past couple weeks, I'd been thinking about how much I missed her... I was actually thinking about maybe asking her back out, if she managed to cool the fuck down and not be so stressful about everything. :erk: I feel pretty... abandoned, tbh. :erk:
Big emotional post coming up.

The gf (now ex-gf) and I broke up last night. We tried to make it work and it just wasn't happening. We got back together 6 months ago, and things were rocky along the way, not as bad as they were before we broke up last summer, but things came to a head this past week. Last night was the tipping point. It's clear that our relationship is in pretty much the same spot that it was a year ago. The last 6 months have been awesome in a lot of ways and I wouldn't trade them for anything, but it's shown us that our relationship can't work in the long-run.

We both know that this is for real. The break up was mutual (last time it was just me doing the breaking up.) In fact, our break up conversation was almost depressingly rational. We basically both admitted that we love each other but that we can't be together. Basically, we both gave up last night. There's no anger between us. That's the really frustrating part. We both care about each other and have no ill feelings but our problems are so deep-seated that it would be impossible for us to stay sane and stay together long term. It would be easier if we disliked each other, obviously. I fucking love that chick. She's awesome. I'd fucking give my left, both my nuts to make our problems go away and just be with her. But we had 2 years together and we gave it our best shot.

I've been trying to distract myself and be sort of light-hearted about it, but tonight everything came out. I knew it would be tough; I wish there was some kind of 'off' switch for this sort of thing. If you've been through a break up after a serious relationship, you know that feeling is going to hit you sooner or later and you dread it. You wish you could find a way around it but you know you're going to have to sit in your room for a while and be pathetic. I can't stop fucking thinking about everything we did together. It keeps running through my mind like a movie that won't end. And then I have to think about how I'll never do any of that stuff with her ever again. She's been a huge part of my life for the past 2 years and suddenly she's not. So I'm feeling pretty fucking low right now. All I want to do right now is drive over there to Tucson, grab her and fucking molest her incredible face with my mouth, and pretend everything is ok, but I know that I shouldn't.

So I'm really looking forward to MDF right now. Presumably I'll be functional by then. It'll be good to get out of here, have a change of environment, and get my mind on something else for a while. Anyway, this is a heavy metal forum so I won't articulate my feelings about this any further right now. So...DEATH TO FALSE METAL, or something.

It's a tough road ahead, Cyth. I go to bed every night thinking about past relationships. Not having that special someone in your arms when you go to sleep anymore is hard to adjust to.
Yeah so do I. I remember feeling just like that a few months ago. Not really much you can do about it except let time pass, and then go to MDF :kickass:
I'm still immensely jealous of you guys going to MDF, especially since apparently we all have terrible heartbreak stories this year.