Man Must Die (

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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Anyone else heard these guys? Their first album, Start Killing, was essentially technical melodeath played like brutal death metal, or brutal technical melodeath. However, I just got their latest CD, The Human Condition, and found that large amounts of metalcore influence were incorporated into the sound. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they are an actual metalcore band now, but the influence is definitely there. Which brings me to my second point: does anyone else notice that there is sometimes a fine line between both melodeath and metalcore, and technical death metal and metalcore?
There's a fine line between all that nowadays sometimes. A lot of the music which is now described as metalcore or deathcore was created by fans of music that is largely considered straightforward brutal death or melodic death, bands with no -core tag. That's why it isn't exactly unheard of to see fans of Suffocation or Dying Fetus openly embrace a band like, say, Through The Eyes Of The Dead. When I heard "Start Killing", I definitely thought they had a sound that could fall in line with the metalcore acts, but even with the occasional nondescript breakdowns they threw in, the songwriting was strong enough that it didn't matter to me. They executed their sound way better than a ton of more popular bands with vague similarities ever have. I guess it doesn't surprise me that MMD went that route, but it still kinda sucks.
Which brings me to my second point: does anyone else notice that there is sometimes a fine line between both melodeath and metalcore, and technical death metal and metalcore?
Yeah, and it sometimes confuses the fuck out of me, so I tend not to discuss genres a lot these days. I hear a lot of bands that people describe as "deathcore" while other people call the same bands pure death metal, or "brutal DM", like Job For a Cowboy, Dying Fetus, Despised Icon, The Red Chord, ect... bands of that nature.
Blazing live band,just signed to Relapse.The new album "the human condition" is still powerful and fierce metal just a lot more polished than the last album,I don't hear metalcore here,far too brutal..Destined for big things I reckon.John's drum work on this is outstanding.
After having listened to The Human Condition several more times, I really am beginning to see that it is still based in melodeath. The vocal style and the breakdowns make it seem more metalcore-ish the first few listens. It is actually a very good CD, though I still like Start Killing better.