Manes: Vilosophe (first reviews)

Kurzer Rückblick in die Neunziger: Das aus Trondheim stammende Duo MANES veröffentlicht zwischen ´93 und ´95 die drei Demos "Maanens natt", "Ned i stillheten" und "Til kongens grav de dode vandrer", welche im Black Metal-Underground einigen Anklang finden und von denen die ersten beiden später als limitierte MCDs wiederveröffentlicht werden. 1998 erscheint auf Hammerheart Records das Debutalbum "Under ein blodraud maane", dessen schleppende, kalte und morbide Kompositionen MANES zu einem Geheimtipp der norwegischen Black Metal-Szene werden lassen.

Zurück in die Gegenwart: Nun, erst 5 Jahre später, kehren die Norweger zurück – oder doch nicht? Zumindest verblüffend anders, nämlich mit neuer Besetzung und neuem Sound. Man hat das Black Metal Gewand abgelegt und sich auch völlig von althergebrachten Restriktionen verabschiedet. Stattdessen hat man das musikalische Grundfundament (Gitarre, Bass, Drums) mittels moderner Elektronik, Programming sowie Sequencing erweitert und ist außerdem zu einem Sextett aufgestiegen. Vom alten Line-Up ist nur noch Tor-Helge Skei a.k.a. Cern (bzw. früher Cernunnus) dabei. Dementsprechend sind durch das Fehlen von Ex-Sänger Sargatanas auch keine krächzenden Vocals mehr zu verzeichnen. Diese Aufgabe übernehmen jetzt mit Asgeir Hatlen und Tommy Sebastian gleich zwei stimmgewaltige Personen, allerdings mit hohem klaren Gesang. Jedoch keine Power Metal Vocals, sondern sehr individuell und emotional mit vielen mitreißenden Melodien.

Auch wenn bereits damals zweifelsohne avantgardistische Tendenzen in der Musik festzustellen waren, dürfte dieser Wandel doch manchen alten Fan vor den Kopf stoßen. Vielleicht wäre daher eine Namensänderung angezeigt gewesen. Das Label Code666, auf deren "Better undead than alive"-Sampler sich schon ein erstes klares Bild von den "neuen" MANES abgezeichnet hat, ruft daher auch dazu auf, "Vilosophe" vorurteilsfrei zu begegnen. Ich kann nur raten dem zu folgen, denn ist lohnenswert, sich auf den Neo-Avantgarde Metal einzulassen.
Die düstere Atmosphäre ist geblieben, wenngleich sie auf andere Art und Weise umgesetzt wird. Vielleicht ein ähnlicher Weg wie ihn Ulver damals mit "Themes from William Blake..." gegangen sind. Auch harte Gitarren sind weiterhin ein wichtiges Element, nur nicht als das einzige bestimmende Instrument, vielmehr um den Stücken zu einem volleren und detailreicheren Klang zu verhelfen.

Das Beiblatt führt den Vergleich mit einer Jam-Session zwischen Katatonia, Radiohead und Aphex Twin an. Hierzu passen gelegentliche Drum & Bass oder Trip Hop-Einlagen, wenn möglich auch erzeugt über das analoge Schlagzeug, neben sonstiger rhythmischer Vertracktheit wie sogar Jungle-Beats.
Ansonsten wird ebenfalls variiert. Mal begleiten die Songs den Hörer auf eine melancholisch-verträumte Reise, dann steigt man wieder auf rockige Parts inklusive pulsierendem Bass um.
Mit "Diving with your hands bound [nearly flying]" folgt an zweiter Stelle schon fast das Herzstück der Scheibe. Mit zehneinhalb Minuten der mit Abstand längste Track, der sich furios und stetig steigert um schließlich eine Weile auf dem Zenit zu verharren. Und wenn man glaubt das Ende wäre erreicht, gibt es noch einen elektronischen Nachschlag.
In "Terminus a quo/Terminus ad quem" sowie "Ende" wurde dagegen sehr unaufdringlich ein Saxofon eingebaut und "Death of the genuine" war als "Redeemer" in einer vorläufigen Version auf obigem Sampler zu finden. Skurriles noch einmal bei "Confluence [The vilosophe crux]" zum Abschluß, da dieses ausschließlich aus einem mehrminütigen Monolog besteht, entnommen aus dem Film "Der Todesking" von Jörg Buttgereit, welcher in einem gewalttätigen Ausbruch mündet und einige Fragen aufwirft. Zumindest wohl wenn man die deutsche Sprache nicht beherrscht, da eben diese Fassung Verwendung gefunden hat.

Das strange "Konzept" spiegelt sich auch im Layout wieder, welches überwiegend (merkwürdige) Schaubilder und Zeichnungen mit wissenschaftlichem und philosophischem Bezug enthält. Hier ist auch von gewissen pharmacodynamics die Rede. Keine Ahnung worum es sich dabei handelt, aber vielleicht ja eine Erklärung für diese ungewöhnliche und innovative Veröffentlichung.
Code666 und MANES haben hier ein interessantes Paket zusammengeschnürt, das auf jeden Fall einen Fortschritt in Anbetracht der häufigen Gesichtslosigkeit im heutigen Musikbiz darstellt.

Ad Noctum
Manes - Vilosophe
8 Songs - 47:08
Lange war es still um diese einst norwegische Black Metal Band geworden und bis zu diesem Album sind auch schon ganze 5 Jahre ins Land gestrichen. Nun melden sich Manes mit einem neuen Album, "Vilosophe", zurück, und zwar ganz anders als man sie in Erinnerung hatte. Vom einstigen Black Metal ist nichts mehr übrig geblieben, die Band hat sich wirklich total verändert. Die Band hat geradezu einen total entgegengesetzten Weg eingeschlagen, keine old school Black Metal Riffs mehr sondern dafür sehr futuristisch klingende Musik, die teilweise ein wenig an neue Katatonia erinnert. Demzufolge hat sich natürlich auch der Gesang angepasst und klingt nun clean, wie auch der Rest der Scheibe. Harte Drumparts und heftige Gitarrenriffs sucht man vergeblich, das scheint der Band anno 2003 auch nicht mehr wichtig zu sein. Stellt sich nur die Frage, was denn so einen Stilbruch auslösen konnte, erinnert mich ein wenig an den dramatischen Wechsel von Godkiller damals, die ja auch mit "The end of the world" auf einmal ein total unerwartetes Album veröffentlichten. Man muss sich zumindest an die Songs der neuen Manes CD gewöhnen, auch wenn sie eigentlich recht eingänglich sind. Nachdem ich mir "Vilosophe" jetzt auch ein paar mal angehört habe muss ich gestehen, dass die Songs schon etwas Anziehendes an sich haben, wie zum Beispiel der ziemlich coole Song "Diving with your hands bound (nearly flying)", welcher einen ziemlich guten Refrain besitzt. Aufgeschlossene Metal Fans sollten hier mal lauschen.

Diventata una band culto durante la seconda era del Black Metal europeo, i Manes dopo aver pubblicato tre grandi demo ed un gran bel discone, decidono di cambiare decisamente rotta e di salpare verso territori già solcati in passato da band come Ulver e Katatonia. Il risultato di questo viaggio durato quasi sei anni è intitolato "Vilosophe" e secondo il sottoscritto non è un disco assolutamente "facile". Non deve essere stato semplice partorirlo, e per quanto riguarda me non è neanche molto semplice ascoltarlo. E' un album teso, emotivo ed incredibilmente passionale. Impossibile non lasciarsi coinvolgere, per cui vi ho avvertiti... Non è mia intenzione ora mettermi qui a discutere se "Vilosophe" assomiglia ai Radiohead, ai Katatonia o agli Ulver, se è un disco metal o un disco trip hop o indie, vuoi perchè non ascolto questi generi e non me ne intendo, vuoi perchè non è utile a nessuno saperlo. "Vilosophe" assomiglia a se stesso ed è un album che devi avere voglia di ascoltare attentamente altrimenti non lo compri. Non è il disco che metti quando fai merenda, giusto per esser chiari, e nemmeno quello che metti quando fai l'amore. E' un album che ha delle cose da dire e ti vuole parlare in intimità. Questa è l'unica cosa che conta! Gli episodi sono otto, tutti ispiratissimi, la produzione è incredibilmente chiara, per cui sul lato tecnico di "Vilosophe" non c'è molto da dire. Sample, loop, elettronica, inserti di sax; ogni brano è impreziosito ed arrangiato con un gusto e con una cognizione di causa notevole! "Vilosophe" è uno di quei dischi dotati di parola e questa non mi sembra proprio una sciocchezza trascurabile. Se avete voglia di mettervi in gioco, "Vilosophe" è lo strumento giusto, e non posso fare a meno di consigliarlo.
Voto: 8 (Hypnos)
I conoscitori dell’underground black norvegese,al leggere il nome MANES potrebbero avere un sussulto:in effetti questi MANES sono proprio lo stesso gruppo che dopo un silenzio di 5 anni è tornato su CODE 666 con un disco quantomeno sconcertante.
Infatti questo VILOSOPHE di black metal non ha proprio nulla se non qualche sparuto riff presente nel primo brano in scaletta(NODAMBRAKES);per il resto la band norvegese sembra essere implosa in se stessa per dar vita ad un entità totalmente nuova e con un sound più fresco ed originale.
E proprio questo nuovo sound rende VILOSOPHE un disco memorabile,un debutto destinato a far parlare di se per molto tempo;le coordinate spazio-temporali sembrano non esistere + nei brani dei MANES,dove si ergono strutture musicali aperte che non lasciano spazio alla prevedibilità,ma soprattutto dove si assiste all’incrociarsi di input appartenenti ai CURE e ai KATATONIA con sonorità elettroniche d’avanguardia.
In questo senso DIVING WITH YOUR HANDS BOUND[nearly flying] è un esempio brano vive su un crescendo che parte da atmosfere notturne per giungere ad una specie di jam finale“cosmica”!
Ma anche WHITE DEVIL BLACK SHROUD(al forte retrogusto di CURE)e TERMINUS A QUO/TERMINUS AD QUEM(reminescenze di diritto giurisprudenziale?) meritano menzione:ma ogni brano di questo VILOSOPHE è un piccolo gioiello a se,pieno di dettagli nascosti e raffinatezze strumentali e di arrangiamento,ma con l’obbiettivo principe di provocare emozioni.
DEATH OF THE GENUINE riesce addirittura ad ibridare il sound dei KATATONIA con influenze “jungle” alla GOLDIE,ma è solo uno dei tanti momenti esaltanti che segnano questo debutto. Gli intrecci stilistici e le atmosfere evocate sono così tanti e vari che si potrebbe parlare per ore di ogni pezzo presente sul cd,addirittura in certi momenti sembra di sentire degli ATROX purificati dalle loro pazzie ultra tecniche,ma ciò che rimane alla fine è una compilazione di brani ricca d’inventiva e originalità stilistica e un vortice di emozioni dominato da una band ormai assurta ad uno status superiore.
Non c’è dubbio questo VILOSOPHE è un acquisto caldissimamente consigliato,una delle sorprese musicali + inebrianti di questo 2003,i MANES hanno cambiato pelle;prima erano ancorati alla malvagità terrena,ora diffondono la loro libertà musicale in mondo astratto tutto loro:un gruppo proiettato nella stratosfera!

Di: Sancho
Maelstromzine usa

Sometimes bands issue concept albums, but most of those concepts are, if at all, only perceptible by the names of the songs. But Manes has managed to bring out an album that is not only a colorful work, but that also sheds light on a dark and often neglected part of your soul.

The introductory part of Vilosophe is marked by slow, ambient keyboard sounds to which a thin voice is fitted in. With time progressing, the speed of the tracks advances in waves, with the drum lines mutating from virtually non-existent or hollow and deep sounds, to aggressive breakbeat passages ala Prodigy.

Full and broad guitar sounds accompany and support the upheaval in rhythm and strength. Each time a new wave has broken, and we`re speaking of time in minutes, it feels like the music is reclining from its advances to gather new strength.

The fragile voice is taking those surges surprisingly well, gaining its suggestive momentum from singing in a very accusatory manner.

Remarkable is the final track, which is basically only a narrative in German, the content of which I shall not reveal here, but it does develop from the atmosphere created by the music tracks before naturally. Both in style and content it is like breaking the last wave and leaving it to die on a misty shore.

This is an album you should definetly not miss. My pick of this issue, if not one of this year`s favourites.
Puhh, die Scheibe ist wirklich ein harter Brocken. Seit einigen Tagen überleg ich nun schon mit wem zur Hölle man den Sound vergleichen soll und damit, wem man das Ganze empfehlen soll oder auch nicht.

Na ja versuchen wirs: Die CD ist nicht besonders hart, etliche etwas psychedelisch anmutende Akkustik-und Melodic Passagen sind auf jeden Fall schon mal dabei. Manchmal glaub ich auch diverse Prog-Einflusse rauszuhören, kann aber daran liegen das ich das Werk als Ganzes halt nicht kapiere und mir deshalb was dazureime, auch möglich. Auch die härteren Parts, wobei es nie allzu heftig wird, sind durchaus psychedelisch angehaucht, extrem bekiffte alte Voivod oder so (wobei ja die ja eh schon wie auf Drogen klangen). Dazu gibt’s im Hintergrund jede Menge elektronische Spielereien, Sampels und Loops, sprich die Burschen verarbeiten auch Drum´ n Base-Einflüsse(glaub ich jetzt zumindest). Damit hab ich versucht, die ersten sieben Lieder zu beschreiben, beim achten und letzten wird’s dann völlig abgedreht: Das ganze ist ein Spoken-Word Track bei dem ab der Hälfte im Hintergrund ein bißchen Industrial-Krach einsetzt. Irgendein Typ erzählt dem geneigten Hörer, das seine Alte beim Geschlechtsverkehr immer zu bluten anfängt weswegen er sie schließlich umbringt. Haben sie wohl bei Butgereit geklaut, in dem seinen Filmen geht auch immer um ähnlich gschmackige Dinge, Nekrophilie, Inzest und Konsorten. Tja was hält man nun davon?

Da sich die Chose bei allen Beschreibungsschwierigkeiten trotzdem gut anhört und teilweise richtig angenehm ins Ohr geht, kann ich sie Leuten, die gern mal was Abgefahrenes antesten durchaus empfehlen. Ist aber auf keinen Fall was für 0815-Konsumenten, die bleiben der Einfachheit halber lieber bei den üblichen Verdächtigen.
appropriate apocalypse
(can visit their forum inside ultimate metal)

2003 is turning out to be code666’s year. With impressive albums from Aborym and Negura Bunget already released and receiving critical acclaim throughout the metal community, Manes sets poised to join the ranks of their labelmates, as Vilosophe is one helluva brain rape. This puppy came out of nowhere.

After hearing the band’s 1998 album Under Ein Blodraud Maane, I expected some quality old school sounding black metal. While not being groundbreaking, that release was solid all the way through and better than most of the trite releases plaguing the underground today. So, more of the same would have been a good thing, right? Well, I guess the band didn’t think so, because Vilosophe is a million light years away from black metal. In fact, Vilosophe brings to mind such releases as La Masquerade Infernale from Arcturus and Ulver’s Themes From William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, if only because they were a massive departure from each bands’ previous sound.

Imagine if you can, Katatonia’s morosity, Thee Maldoror Kollective’s love of everything electronic, Fleurety’s jazz undertones, the wildness of Sigh, and the adventurous spirit of Solefald. Got it yet? Now try to imagine one band possessing all of those elements. Just listening to Vilosophe, I’m reminded of other bands that have tried to change their identity, and failed. Manes succeeds where they failed. “Death of the Genuine” is such an ass kicker, you won’t be able to sit down for a week. Opening with a cold, calculating quote expressing no remorse for crimes committed, the song jumps into a wildness this reviewer has not heard since “The Chaos Path”. “Ende” would make any Fleurety die-hard proud with its jazzy rhythms and saxophone. The highlight has to be “The Hardest of Comedowns” comprising of slow beats, dark ambient sounds, and self-loathing lyrics.

The only downfall of Vilosophe is the final track, “Confluence”. Over 5 minutes of some whacked out dude speaking in German is not a good way to end a great album. It does end in a cool way, with demon voices and everything going to hell, but 5 minutes is just way too long. Perhaps if I understood German, I could fully appreciate the madness on this track. Nevertheless, it would take something far greater to ruin the sheer intensity and power of Vilosophe. If you picture yourself as an adventurous listener, willing to give anything a try, and consequences be damned, step into the madness that is Manes. After listening to Vilosophe things will never be the same, and you’ll be better for it.

Reviewed by: Dreamlord
Vampire magazine
Manes,one of the few remaining cult blackmetal bands hailing from Norway are about to release their second full-length album called "Vilosophe".And I have to say I was really looking forward to this release.With great interest I'm following this band since their demotimes and especially their debut album "Under ein Blodraud Maane" is still one of the Norwegian blackmetal highlights in history.
As their debut album was released on Dutch Hammerheart records now four years later they switched over to the to me unknown Code666 label.In those four years the line-up has changed alot and members from Atrox and Tactile Gemma completed the band.

The first thing which wondered me was the avantgarde looking cover.Could it be that Manes also changed their musical style like most fellow Norwegian bands?Can we still expect true underground blackmetal like Manes used to play?Even though having a kind of strange cover of some scientific drawings on a white background?
After the first song "Nodamnbrakes" it all became clear.Manes do have changed their musical style,and they changed it drasticly!
So don't expect the blackmetal from the old day's.The music Manes is presenting us now can be labeled as avantgardemetal although it's very difficult to give the music a label because their music is really strange.Strange but very good!

The second song "Diving with your hands bound(nearly flying)" is also from from the same high quality.Sometimes the vocals remind me on Ozzy Osbourne!One might think,Manes with Ozzy-like vocals?Yes,Ozzy-like vocals and I have to admit it suits the music perfectly.It gives the music a kind of sinister mood.
In "Death of the genuine" the complete song is based on a drum&bass rhythm,so diversity all along on this album.

All in all it's very difficult to mention any highlights because each and every song is equally strong and is a highlight on it's own.
Also worth mentioning is the eerie,sinister dark mood covering the music!
But there is also one small complain and that's the outro "Confluence" which is nothing more than a boring spoken passage from a German movie (spoken in german).
But even because of this small mistake the album is really worth getting hold of.Not just for the dedicated Manes fans but also for the more open minded metalfans.
Once you get a grip on this album you'll discover the genius of it and you'll be playing this record over and over again.
top album

E' da tanto che si parlava di questa release, tutti erano curiosi di sapere come si sarebbe evoluta la proposta dei Manes (prima cult band black metal ..) dai primi demo fortementi ancorati alla tradizione black metal loro stadio attuale. Ebbene finalmente e' possibile ascoltare questo Vilosophe e la sorpresa e' gia' tanta sin dall'inizio. Credo che avrete certamente capito che della band che conoscevamo non e' rimasto praticamente nulla...e le sonorita' black metal sono state "sostituite" da connubi musicali difficilmente descrivibili ma che affascinano immediatamente. Innanzitutto troviamo delle vocals pulite che attirano immediatamente l'attenzione, in quanto dotate di una "musicalita'" fuori dagli schemi. Lo stesso si potrebbe dire per quanto riguarda le strutture di ogni brano, che spaziano da allucinati loop (dall'industrial all'ebm) a chitarre potenti e decisamente molto presenti. Anche la base ritmica gioca un ruolo fondamentale andando a dare il suo supporto nei momenti piu' "accesi" di questo album. Ma la sorpresa non finisce qui...gia'! Ci sono molti altri aspetti che i Manes hanno voluto tirare fuori con questa release, fra cui una certa vena intimista che traspare in modo egregio e avvolgente nella seconda track di questo Vilosophe: "Diving with your hands bound (nearly flying)"...e la sensazione che ci procura questo brano e' proprio quello di mezzo al vuoto... Sonorita' decisamente decadenti che lasciano spazio in sottofondo a loop "spaziali" e sonorita' tremendamente nichiliste, ma al tempo stesso molto ricercate ed elaborate. A quanto sembra nulla e' stato lasciato al caso...Ma lo scopo dei Manes e' quello di disorientare, di stravolgere ogni canone prestabilito e allora ecco che in una stessa canzone ci presentano un cambiamento di rotta repentino ed inaspettato tirando fuori grinta ed energia, un'energia pero' che si sprigiona sembra in modo "negativo" in quanto non c'e' assolutamente gioia in questo disco, anzi ogni nota trasuda sofferenza, dolore, misticismo, morte. Concettualmente il discorso della band norvegese sembra esser rimasto immutato, ma e' la forma con cui lo vogliono attualmente esprimere che e' cambiata, ed un cambiamento del genere sicuramente potra' far storcere il naso a moltissimi che in passato hanno seguito la band, ma che sicuramente aprira' le porte ad una nuova ondata di ragazzi che si innamoreranno di questo disco sin dal primo ascolto! Anch'io non ho saputo restare indifferente di fronte alla bellezza concettuale ed artistica intrinseca in questo disco che spazia in ogni dove, andando a miscelare fra di loro stili lontani o obsoleti creando una proposta unica, innovativa e decisamente fresca. Forse potrebbe essere un per me e' uno dei migliori dischi dell'anno!
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-2]The Darkest Hours[/size][/font]
Manes "Vilosophe" (code666) - 85%

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-2]When I'm receiving Code 666, I'm always expecting fresh new stuff, weird stuff and I'm always excited to put their CDs in my CD player cause I know it's going to be unique. That's again the case with Norway's Manes. At the beginning the band was playing straight black metal but it's been a while since things really change. Describing their musical style is hard cause it's so wierd and new. They are blending different elements form atmospheric & ambient music, gothic, electronic, dark melodies,etc. Katatonia mixed up with Radiohead! One thing I enjoy the most is the programming/sequencing cause it give an amazing atmosphere! The aren't the most beautiful I heard in my life but they fits the music perfectly. The work is great but quite simple. I would definitly add more guitars cause they sound great but they aren't in front! It's relax music so I'm recommending this band to everyone who likes gothic metal music, ambient, electro but I really don't know how 'straight' metal fans will react to that. You have to be open minded and if you take the time to concentrate on all the subtleties in those songs, the more you'll listen to it, the more you'll love it! By the way, the artwork of this CD is awesome! A great digipack! [/size][/font]

From the Jester Records messageboard:

Posted by Knut M. Valle, slandrik, and Robot Velociraptor
Subject: Manes: Vilosophe: Reviewed:
Posted on 22 June 2003, 20:46:27
Remote Address:

Manes: Vilosophe: Reviewed:

Before we consider the actual review, let us sketch out the scenario: One s.s.slandrik, one Knut M. Valle, and one slightly maudlin robot velociraptor attempting to call Sara Michelle Gellar on a cell phone but failing because of the tragic "no thumbs" factor, and, of course, the pre-requisite mountains of Chex Mix... MOUNTAINS!!!

S.s.s.: Where did all this Chex Mix come from?

Knut: My mom baught it for us. She owns stock with the company. Look at the mountains... the gleaming teeth!!!

S.s.s.: Hmm... since you are coked to the antlers and your hands are all greasy with Chex Mix residue, I suppose I'll have to put in the cd.

Knut: I can't hear anything.

S.s.s.: Take the anal beads out of your ears.

Knut: Wow. That really is better. So, like, does this movie ever start or what?

S.s.s.: It isn't a movie, pumpkin. It is an audio cd. Don't make me pimp-slap you. Hey, is that Ozzy Osborne?

Knut: I think it's David Bowie... crushing his testicles... that robot velociraptor better not eat all my Chex Mix.

S.s.s.: He won't. He's on a diet. The "Atkins" thing. No carbs.

KNut: I don't like the way he's looking at my Chex Mix. He looks... dangerous.

S.s.s.: No, he's just sad. He broke up with Sarah Michelle Gellar last night... something to do with how his razor sharp teeth cause a certain understandalbe degree of discomfort when he pleasures her aurally.... He's been inconsolable for hours.


Knut: You've upset the beast! Kill it! Quick! Before it gets to the Chex!

S.s.s.: Stifle yourself, Knut. You're a superstar.

Knut: But the walls!... they're BLEEDING!!!

S.s.s.: This music is stirring something deep inside me... I think we should... dance....

Knut: I'm already dancing. See? This is called the Onion Picker. It was invented by black people.

S.s.s.: No need to be racist. Hey, Robot, don't you think that's a bit racist?

Robot Velociraptor: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

S.s.s.: It may be too early to tell, but I think these Manes guys are on to something. This could be the best thing to come out of the metal scene since the Artists Formerly Known as Maudlin of the Well came out with that splendid R&B album. Certainly this is far more refreshing than Knut's last effort with that fat, smoker bastard, "Cristaphourus G. Cuntslinger".

Knut: Chex Mix... floating out of the speakers... quick, swim with me... we'll catch it with our mouths... our TEETH! Such gleaming TEETH! Such pretty TITS. Quick, Slandrik, Strum them with me!!!.....

S.s.s.: Well, robot velociraptor, shall we??? I mean, at this point, what else can we do?

Robot Velociraptor: E.

(Conclusion: Vilosophe causes mild hallucinations and delusions of grandeur, ignites an urge to gently rape and pillage, and is thoroughly danceable.)
5/6 - from

Do not be on the wrong road about this album thinking by the black metal involvement of the band in the past years, because what you have here is some quality blackened oriented rock. Radiohead, Aphex Twin and Katatonia are the bands mentioned in the info-sheet to compare 2003's Manes. Maybe these bands can be bringed near to the music contained on this album, but only for a very few aspects and anyway this will not clarify your thoughts about "Vilosophe" yet. It's very hard to get clear of what Manes play on this album without listening to it indeed, and at the end the better explanation about the music can be located in the title of the first song: "Nodamnbrakes". This was the intention of the band and this is what they have delivered. The evolution occured to the band draws near to the one had by bands like In the Woods, Ulver, Fleurety and this not necessarely musically but concerning the moods the band emit nowadays. Whenever I listen to this, I always feel compelled to listen to the whole of it, without skipping any of the tracks, it's that good. This is an excellent album that revels in its utter lack of datum points and should appeal to any discerning fan of rock.

strenuus [19/07/2003]
E' inutile perdersi in sterili commenti: "Vilosophe" dei Manes è il miglior disco sfornato dalla Code 666, un vero masterpiece dall'avantgarde-metal. E' incredibile che il gruppo nordeuropeo abbia concepito un simile capolavoro, perchè i nostri avevavo una discreta fama nel circuito prettamente black , poichè quello era il genere che proponevano agli albori, ma mai ci saremmo aspettati un così repentino cambio di marcia. Ed invece ecco che arriva questo full lengh, un concentrato di musica elettronica, avanguardistica, gotica e onirica che induce a scomodare nomi illustri come Katatonia, Radiohead, Prodigy e chi ne ha più ne metta. Davvero sconcertante la maturazione del combo scandinavo, resto senza parole! Il platter ha una sua omogeneità, non esistono pezzi più accessibili o qualche ruffiano ammiccamento al loro passato black, i Manes costruiscono composizioni complesse in cui la componente "elettro" e la voce malata di Asgeir Hatlen recitano un ruolo di primo piano. Difficile quindi parlare di un brano o di un altro, con l'eccezione di "Terrminus A Quo", un quarto pezzo che vive su un crescendo drammatico, un vero must per chi ama gruppi come Anathema, Katatonia e i nostrani Klimt 1918 . Ogni ulteriore commento mi sembra superfluo, perché considero "Vilosophe", assieme a "Undressed-Momento" (dei succitati Klimt) e "Ceramic Placebo…" degli Edenshade, uno dei lavori più innovativi degli ultimi anni. Brava Code 666 e soprattutto complimenti ai Manes. Questo sì che significa evolversi!
(Luca Visconti) Voto:8
From Fædrelandsvennen (Norwegian newspaper)

MANES - Vilosophe - 5/6

Trondheimsbaserte Manes vet å skape stemning, og nylig utgitte «Vilosophe» er da også et musikalsk nett av dunkle klanger, vakre melodier og særegne arrangementer.

Merkelig, men spennende

Bandets uttrykk er en herlig miks av goth, electronica, ebm, pop og metall, og det har gjort musikken usedvanlig vellykket og temmelig spesiell. Ta «Nodamnbrakes», for eksempel. Her får du servert både enkle melodier, harde riff, lekre programmeringer og mørke stemninger i en og samme låt - helt uten at musikken går opp i limingen. Manes får det hele til å passe sammen, og det har gjort Vilosophe til et både spennende og helstøpt album.

Lars A. Nedland