
You and me both, bro! Man, I really hate to tell you this, but I can't make it to the Evergrey show, as much as it kills me, because I have to work and I have no vacation days to spend at this point.:erk::mad: BTW, HOTTH is one of my very favorite Priest songs, as well, right behind Realms! Hail!:rock::kickass::notworthy

DAMNIT!!! That sucks bro!!! :( Well try to make it to our Highlander show on the 14th! Btw clay, Beyond The Realms Of Death is one of my faves too!!! Too fuckin' cool bro!!! I just LOVE that bridge & the crescendo @ the end!!! A true Metal Classic!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:
DAMNIT!!! That sucks bro!!! :( Well try to make it to our Highlander show on the 14th! Btw clay, Beyond The Realms Of Death is one of my faves too!!! Too fuckin' cool bro!!! I just LOVE that bridge & the crescendo @ the end!!! A true Metal Classic!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:
Hell yeah! We are true brothers of Priest, as well! Hail, brother!
J-Dubya, is any of this officially confirmed as true?! Very curious? Manowar may be ultra-cheezy, but I still LOVE THEM!!!! HAIL & FUCKING KILL!!!:kickass:

I thought this was a comedy site. I thought ai remembered them years ago having some other hilarious story but can't remember what it was. I THOUGHT they were a metal parody site by insiders kind of like the Scream movies poked fun at the horror movies. Having said that - a friend worked for them and moved to Auburn and was not overly impressed with small town living and bailed later on. Hope I am right about the comedy factor - if not, as long as it doesn't affect the music - I couldn't care less :)

I don't care where or how they live or who they live with, just as long as they keep on making great metal music and putting on more kick-ass metal shows!
Yeah... kind of a shame. I would have guessed their overseas successes would have translated into some financial gains. And what I find most depressing isn't even the Manowar aspect of it. After all, they're the Kings of Metal and their riches lie in the next life in Valhalla. However, it's depressing to know that you can reach the heights that they have reached (headlining Euro festivals, having sold 9 million records) and still not have anything to show for it after 25+ years.

Yeah... kind of a shame. I would have guessed their overseas successes would have translated into some financial gains. And what I find most depressing isn't even the Manowar aspect of it. After all, they're the Kings of Metal and their riches lie in the next life in Valhalla. However, it's depressing to know that you can reach the heights that they have reached (headlining Euro festivals, having sold 9 million records) and still not have anything to show for it after 25+ years.


I've heard other stories about 'major' bands that were dead broke. Its because of the 'evil' deals with labels. Bands make money from touring. Manowar doesn't tour enough. If they did, they might not be in that situation.

I'm guessing this is their 'response' to it:

Personal Message from Joey DeMaio
Tuesday - March 03, 2009

At this point in time I had to take a moment to express the bands appreciation for the unbelievable faith our family of metal has shown to us once again and to the world.

In time, the whole of the truth will be told as to just how much adversity we have faced in bringing MCF III to you all, now is not the time. For one minute I will stop to drink a beer with my brothers in Manowar and the Magic Circle Family and we will hold our glasses high in the name of the greatest and strongest and most fantastically loyal fan family in the world. Together we have accomplished our dream, we have built a festival for our fan family, a place where each year we will all meet to celebrate our individuality as people and the common bond that holds us together as The True Defenders Of Steel. We are already planning 2010, 2011, and 2012. Be ready for an announcement from the stage about 2010, following the one and only exclusive performance of our new album.

This next part of my message is for all who tried to stop us.

We will be on the ground this year and for many years to come, please don't die now, live long and suffer each day of your life knowing you were born a FUCKING LOSER. Then see if you can at least accomplish one thing right in your life and then KILL YOURSELF SO WE CAN PISS ON YOUR GRAVE.

Joey DeMaio
I'm guessing this is their 'response' to it:
I don't think it is. The announcement about the festival and the article on their personal wealth, seem completely unrelated (at least the way I read it). I just assumed they had a lot of problems getting this year's edition of their festival off the ground. I guess time will tell.

you can even see documents that he signed, if you want to make a few bucks selling counterfeit Joey DeMaio autographs to drunk Germans).

I knew it was true when I read the part Karl Logan wearing a fanny pack. I know from hanging out with the Iced Earth guys that they're always wearing fanny packs when they're on tour, and the habit seems to bleed over into normal life. So that part just rang true to me!


The autograph selling quip made me LOL...
Google Earth Street view is a very scary thing....
Close! No, I was wearing a speedo one size too small! I think the Google Earth photo van might get shot up in my neighborhood. Especially if they put antlers on it! :lol:
Why is there always trouble in organizing the festivals? Don't they draw a big enough crowd?
Apparently it's "show your age day". :loco: Keeping with that theme, I bought Hail to England on both cassette and green vinyl back in the day, and saw them at L'amours in Brooklyn, I believe in support of Sign of the Hammer.

For whatever reason, I felt the urge yesterday to hear "All Men Play on Ten". Don't ask why I felt this urge. I tend to get song cravings that are the musical equivalent of a pregnant woman's food cravings. So yesterday, my musical peanut butter and anchovy craving was for "All Men Play on Ten". So... I downloaded Sign of the Hammer (which I once owned on cassette). Wow... I forgot how brilliant that disc is. So... being in a "Hail & Kill" frame of mind, I downloaded Battle Hymns (which I once owned on cassette). Wow... I forgot how brilliant that disc is. I immediately purchased both on CD.

Death to False Metal. :rock:


Hi, do you really have a Hail to England LP on green vinyl?
Could you post a picture of it please?