Marshall 1w JVM

1w amp...
For what? For practice?
And price?
around 600 Euros?
Maybe a jvm 205h would be a better option...
mm. i dont really see the point of that. How can you get a good tone with a 1w amp? Am i wrong?
hmmm. Not so sure if this is a great idea. Definately aimed at guitarists home studios and guys with too much money in their pockets for bedroom playing.
but 1 w.. haha wel who knows im no tech guy perhaps it WILL sound good i just think it will have to do with what TYPE of tone you want maybe? Anyway always interesting to check it out
Hahahaha a 1w JCM800 would be hilariously awesome for heroic bedroom shredding...but I don't see the use otherwise. Highly doubt you will get a good mic'd tone out of 1 watt...
Hahahaha a 1w JCM800 would be hilariously awesome for heroic bedroom shredding...but I don't see the use otherwise. Highly doubt you will get a good mic'd tone out of 1 watt...

I actually remember someone recording one of these tiny amps and mixing them properly and it sounding fucking awesome.
Here is one example:

Not exactly a good modern metal tone, but i heard worse sounds from some JCM800+Fullstack...
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Look at the whole Tiny Terror, Jet City, Krank Rev Jr trend. Small wattage valve amps can get you seriously good sounds at reasonable volume levels. Cranking a 100w tube Marshall sounds amazing, but it's too loud for about 99% of people and situations. A 1w amp however can get that power amp saturation at much more reasonable levels. If these are cheap and good they might just go on my wish list.
Look at the whole Tiny Terror, Jet City, Krank Rev Jr trend. Small wattage valve amps can get you seriously good sounds at reasonable volume levels. Cranking a 100w tube Marshall sounds amazing, but it's too loud for about 99% of people and situations. A 1w amp however can get that power amp saturation at much more reasonable levels. If these are cheap and good they might just go on my wish list.

Sure but with just ONE watt I just don't see it putting out enough thump to sound great. Should be at least 15-20, or hell even 5, but 1 watt? I just dont see a speaker sounding good being driven with that little power.
The problem is that 5-15W is probably the least versatile wattage out there - it's mostly too loud to use at home, but not enough so as to use in most band scenarios. Especially in non-miked live situations.
Hell, 2W Roland MicroCube was too loud for me when I lived in my previous flat. 1W makes sense for practice and home use, I don't see anything wrong about it.
And I really dig the down-sizing trend, a couple of years ago there were next to no sub-50W high-gain amps. And vast majority of the good ones were 100W or even more.
Here is one example:

Not exactly a good modern metal tone, but i heard worse sounds from some JCM800+Fullstack...

I've fucked around with one of those, and I can pretty safely say it sounds absolutely fucking horrible. The reverb on the video hides a bit of the shrill, ear-piercing tonal quality, but trust me, it's utterly worthless save for the "cute toy" factor.