Maryland Deathfest 2012: Collected Works


Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
So, that was a fucking crazy weekend. We all have tales to tell, lessons learned about various things and, I'm sure, band/set reviews. Let's get to it. PREPARE FOR THE GIANT POST.

First crazy thing was (and I'm sure he will corroborate this story later) that Jeremy's car had an issue with it, so we had to take he and Grant with us down to MD. Once we arrived (after about 10 hours due to that detour, fucking up directions a couple times somehow, insane rush hour traffic ov death in New York, some rain that slowed down the proceedings), we met the IL metal contingent and finally checked in (like 4 hours later than we had originally wished to).

First band I saw was Absu. Pretty sure I was just standing with David/Mort Divine (who was my de facto band-buddy for a lot of the weekend, cheers dude), as everyone quickly went their separate ways. They were great; much better than when they last played the outdoor stage a few years ago. I like them as a 3 piece but you miss out on some of the more nuanced riffs because of that fact. Still, Proscriptor was his usual wacky self and this was an enjoyable beginning to the fest for me, personally.

Skipped Eyehategod to go back to the room and figure out living arrangements and unpack and shit. Went back for Agallloch and rocked out with Schmidt and David. They played strictly stuff from the first couple albums, along with some demo/EP stuff. They were quite great, and also had one of the two "why the fuck are people circle-pitting to this" moments I witnessed this weekend. Seriously, fuck metal fans sometimes.

I am, as most people know, not really the biggest Autopsy fan, so I'm pretty sure I hung around outside during them, though the fest was not properly set up during the Thursday night sets, so eventually the people who were uninterested went back to the room. I think someone got one of Reifert's sticks and their setlist, which is always kewl. Stayed up late this night partying with everyone. Schmidt, Guy and I stayed up until 5 AM or something singing a bunch of doom and heavy metal songs, :lol:

Saturday began hilariously; Cody/KafkaX woke us up at like 12 by knocking on the door as loudly as possible and shouting "WAKE UP!! BEER!!". Groggily letting him in, I was greeted by he and his friend Brendan throwing Natty Boh at every single one of us, including most people still in bed/on the floor. This was great because even though it restricted the amount of sleep we got, it relieved me of the duty of waking people up and got us going (fairly) early. Went down to check out a bit of Castevet. Apparently Dan was there too but I was hanging out with Swist/Zeph at this point. We dug them, but I sorta wished the vocalist would've shut up sometimes. I didn't particularly give a shit about anything until Demigod, but we did get upfront for them. Guy, Schmidt and I were really fucking rocking out; they played most of Slumber of Sullen Eyes and, even though originally their sound was rocky and overly-bassy, they eventually corrected most of the issues. One of the guitarists was extremely quiet even after this though.

We were going to watch a bit of Macabre but their sound seemed bad (holy fuck that kick drum), so most of us went to McDonald's for some pre-Godflesh/rest-of-the-night dinner. Eventually went down to check a bit of Negură Bunget, but I personally thought they were a bit flat and monotonous. I was never a huge fan anyway, though. Forgot to mention that right before them we caught a bit of Artillery, who many from this forum did not bother to go see. Even though they sorta suck now, holy crap did they put on a good show. MDF should put more good thrashy bands on... their new vocalist was great and their sound was clear and sharp. David and I were digging it a lot; we were a bit sorry we didn't come down earlier.

We watched a little bit of Napalm Death from afar, but I mainly was psyched for Godflesh. We must have all been hanging out before them, but I don't quite remember. Probably all watching some retarded Youtube videos or something (20th Century Fox: Flute Edition was a favorite of the weekend, for sure). Godflesh were fucking INCREDIBLE. Heaviest live band I've ever seen. Words cannot do it justice. Justin ended the set by manipulating feedback from his guitar; very noisy, just how I like it. David and I went to see Unsane after. Fucking awesome as well. This one-two punch was some of my favorite stuff of the whole weekend. Ruined my voice raw singing along to their cover of Flipper's "Ha Ha Ha". After the show, Schmidt, Bleull, David and I went to an awesome higher-class craft beer bar and got amazing beer; we will definitely be hitting this place up every year. Great times. We partied back in the room after and David, Guy and I ended up staying up until 8 AM (woops) talking about various shit and crushing beers.

We missed everything until like 5 PM on Saturday, but it was cool because MORBID FUCKING SAINT ripped everything apart. They played Spectrum of Death front to back and tore it up majorly. Great stuff. After them we rocked out to The Devil's Blood, who were one of my highlights for the fest. Pretty sure they were one of Dan's favorites too. An absolutely awesome live band... have a few videos I might put up too. Schmidt, David and I stayed inside for Archgoat right after, and they were really killer. I was pretty drunk at this point, but maintained composure by headbanging as stupidly as possible to some kvlt and bestial Finnish blackdeathfuck metal. I have no idea what happened after this, but we must've gone back to the hotel because I missed Confessor entirely.

We came back down for Morbid Angel who were insanely fucking bad. They weren't even like comical, just a band who is the artistic shell of their former self. They played all old songs that they figure people "want them to play", which means their artistic integrity really IS all gone. If they had played HARDKORE RADIKULT and killed some fucking cop-cops (this was a great running joke all weekend, btw), we would have been really pumped because Schmidt and Guy made shirts with stuff like "$traight Outta Tampa" on them, but man, this was horrid. Skipped out on a lot of their shit and went inside for Tsjuder, who were awesome. No-fucks-given true Norwegian black metal. Just great. Went back to the hotel after them and prepared to go out to another bar. This time we chose a place quite far away and walked almost a half-hour. This is where our trip got interesting.

The bar was good; we got a little pizza and all had a few beers, discussing various things (I think it was Schmidt, me, Bleull, David, Dan and Vince) and generally being psyched as fuck. Bleull decided he would get a shot of something ridiculous and got schwasted, which began a series of hilarious and horrible events (in that order). The half-hour walk back was made amazing by Bleull's drunken antics which included being the friendliest and most charismatic drunk person I've ever seen. Every person he passed he asked if they were having a good night or not, then high fived them. Awesome as fuck. Motherfucker also did like 50 cartwheels, and even succeeded at some.

We passed 7-11 on the way back to the hotel; it's been one of our favorite stomping grounds for late-night camaraderie in years past, so we figured why not. Only David, Bleull, Vince and I decided to go in (or we took a long time or something), and when we left, insanity occurred. Crossing the street, we were accosted by a black dude who punched Bleull in the chest and showed a can of pepper spray, asking for all of his and David's money. I noticed another man was with him, but he seemed to be just an accomplice or something.

Vince and I immediately saw a way out by crossing the street, and when we were safely over, I tried waving the others down. I could see quite clearly that they were being robbed/mugged, so I called 911 and gave all the details of the situation. I had Vince go back to the hotel at this point, and followed the men up the street (though from the safety of being across the street and parallel to them). Within a minute (probably even like 30 seconds), we saw several cruisers pull up and we soon reconvened there. We told all the details of the situation to the officers, and explained that David's wallet and phone were stolen. At this point, we were asked to help the officers find the culprits, so we got in the cop car and drove a few blocks around. Eventually I spotted them both, several blocks from where the mugging happened, and they arrested the fuck out of them. We were all a bit scared at this point, but it was also exciting (much less for David whose stuff was stolen, though, I assume). We had to file witness reports and shit, and I imagine these guys will go scot-free because we can't go back down there to court, but David cancelled all his cards and shit, so it could've gone a lot worse. Overall, holy fucking crap.

By the time we got back to the hotel and I took a shower, it was like 4 AM. All the same, a bunch of us (almost everyone, really) decided to go to a nearby hotel where our friends were staying and ascend to the rooftop, which was stupidly unlocked and unprotected. We stayed up there drinking and talking until 6 AM (I think I have some pictures of this too, including several of Guy making unsavory gesticulations), at which point I went back to the hotel with Grant and slept for a few hours. At this point I was totally exhausted, but there was still a whole other day of fucking metal, so I had to gather myself and go for it.

First band I saw Sunday was some of Disma, who seemed quite good and probably had the best sound of the fest (perfect drums and guitars). Went inside soon after to see Cough with Jeremy, though I almost fell asleep standing up during their set. Regardless of that, they were quite good; very close to the album stuff, though most of that work actually sounds "live" anyway. Rwake was not very good live, so we left out on them early, deciding to go outside and get close for Church of Misery. Insane band live, but I was so exhausted already that by a few songs in I had to force myself out of the giant swath of people to go back to the hotel and prepare for Saint Vitus.

I got front row for them with David, Vince, Bleull and Schmidt and they were fantastic. Some chick decided she would rock out with me for a bunch of their set, and I eventually let her get front row in lieu of me, though I squeezed in a few times. All of a sudden it started raining and it got fucking epic as hell. Awesome stuff. Missed most of Electric Wizard to go see Sargeist. They had the second inopportune circle-pit of the fest that I saw; what the fuck is wrong with people :lol:. Someone knocked me back and I got beer all over my shirt, so i was forced to strip and rock out to the rest of their set in appropriately-half-naked fashion. Fuck yeargh. Bethlehem were pretty great, but Schmidt and I spent a decent portion of their set checking out CDs while Schmidt got crunk as fvkk. We went outside for a bit to prepare for Mortuary Drape, but at this point we were all so motherfucking exhausted that we had to bow out of the rest of the legendary band's set.


Wow, that took a long time to type. The ride home was decently easy. Hope everyone got home okay. Share stories here. Don't be intimidated by my post's length; it's mainly for posterity. I will upload a lot of photos and possibly some videos soon. CHEERS, FUCKERS.
Great stuff man :lol: I always like reading through all the great posts during and after MDF....hopefully I can make it out there next year! Especially since I'm getting into more and more of the bands that are usually on the bill...this year seemed pretty good.
This is totally a tl;dr

Yet, I read it and it's fucking entertaining as hell. HARDCORE RADIKULT!!!

I'll post my write-up tomorrow as well, if I feel like it.
Here goes.

Yes, Wednesday car troubles were a major bummer. I had Kris, Grant and Matt (Kris' friend) in my car, having driven down to Boston, and I went to the oil-change place only for the mechanics there to discover that my rear-differential fluid was leaking and required service the next day to fix it up, otherwise it would not be drivable long-distance. Luckily, we devised a Plan B in which Grant and I would ride down with Andy and Dan while Kris and Matt took the Greyhound bus down to Baltimore separately.

Riding in Dan's souped-up WRX was an experience that took a long time to get used to. He is absolutely fearless, borderline reckless, and I fear the illusion of immortality endowed by sitting behind that steering wheel may become hubris against the gods of common sense. Things got especially harrowing weaving in and out of the NYC rush hour at speeds I thought unimaginable given the density of traffic. Things got mellower after that until we got to the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel when Dan decided to warp into ludicrous speed and accelerated to 110 mph. Boy was it a thrill.

We got there in time for Absu, and I made the mistake of pre- (and post-) gaming with a handle of Smirnoff vodka. Absu rocked, but I agree with Andy that adding a second guitarist to the live troupe would have raised the experience to an exponent of two. I went back afterward and drank more vodka, such that I was close to totally trashed for Agalloch and Autopsy. Agalloch was awesome, but by the time Autopsy came on I was so gone that I barely remember any of it. All I remember is that for some reason I ended up front-row center and by the end of it I had their setlist in my hand, which I handed to Guy when I got back to the hotel room.

I spent the rest of the weekend in virtual penitence for that night, and drank very little the rest of the weekend.

Next day was pretty rad. Negura Bunget was perhaps the highlight of the festival for me. They played mostly stuff from Om, and opened with my favorite NB song (the first track off Om, can't be assed to transcribe all that Romanian gibberish). Their performance was nothing short of intoxicating. The vocals, when sung, were almost always flat, but that didn't detract from the atmosphere they managed to create, which is impressive considering that the inside of the Sonar has a history of bad sound (Watain two years ago, Sargeist this year). Godflesh later that evening blew me away. They were hard and heavy, and what engaged me most was the projected images that complimented the songs beautifully, such as the infernal Bosch paintings. The images were as powerful as the music, and really got me when they showed the picture of the Holocaust oven with a human hand stretched out of it. Definitely going to check out this band more (and Jesu).

Throughout the weekend, and even before it when he came to Maine, Grant and I have had a few awesome philosophical conversations, and a lot of the music at the fest helped tuned my mind into a contemplative state where I generated a lot of insights I haven't had in a long time. I just needed the Dionysiac ritual of this festival to bring me back into communion with the Muses.

Saturday was an interesting day in many ways. Came down for Black Witchery who were boring as all hell. Then The Devil's Blood came on, and it was truly refreshing to hear their music and I wish I could have heard that woman's vocals more intelligibly for they sounded hypnotic. Then the moment I was waiting for, ARCHGOAT! I got front-row centre for them and boy did I rock out hard. They spent a lot of time dicking around trying to fine-tune their sound and it was definitely worth it since they managed to find the golden mean between downright noise/aural assault and intelligibility. They opened with "Lord of the Void" and the whole set remained intense as fuck. They definitely sound much better live than on their albums, which are great for being dark and twisted but are a bit to muddy and cloudy to bring out the full brutal potential they did live.

It was after this that Grant, Kris and I went to Subway. A black man walked in, went to the register then walked over to us, asking for change for a fifty. I was skeptical, but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt (thinking that Subway simply didn't accept large bills). I made sure to hand him my money at the exact moment he placed the fifty in my hand. But by the time I realized it was counterfeit, he had disappeared. In reflection I decided what I did was best because if I showed any more skepticism to him he may have resorted to intimidation or even violence. After being initially angry, I forgave him (in absentia) and torched the fake bill (which I very easily could have used but not according to my conscience).

Afterward I decided to make use of the case of Stella Artois I bought and downed a few in quick succession before seeing Morbid Angel. I was in the front row by their second song, and decided to just ignore the fact that the band got lame and made the best of hearing all my favorite songs from their first three albums. That mindset was worth it and I can only imagine how they must have sounded in their halcyon days. I saw a bit of Winter to close out the night, and just couldn't dig 'em.

Not long after my friend Andy from UMaine came dow to join the festivities for Sunday (huge Electric Wizard fan). I think you can all agree he was a really cool guy, and he's considering joining us for the full monty next year, provided a good lineup. I decided to chill with him and get a good night's sleep than join the rooftop party. I'm sorry guys but my I've just lost interest in those kind of shenanigans.

Sunday was indeed epic. Cough impressed me immensely, and at times their music put me in a trance as I swayed to and fro. Church of Misery was pretty rocking' but I left early to prepare myself for Electric Wizard. I came down for Suffocation and managed to muscle my way to the front with my usual skills, but after that I realized that it wasn't such a good idea seeing how purely crushing it was simply to wait there for an hour while Saint Vitus played, surrounded by genuine EW devotees. I decided to give up my spot to some hot girl then went over and admired Saint Vitus from a distance. They played a lot of great stuff from Born Too Late, as I was hoping.

Then came the rainstorm, and my sudden fears that Electric Wizard wouldn't play. I was chilling with Cody and Nicole while we got fairly drenched by some bursts of heavy rain, but it died off just in time for the Dorset Dukes of Doom to come on stage and blow us all away. I can't even describe it as a mosh pit that developed, rather a churning maelstrom of humanity that engulfed nearly the entire city block within range of the stage. I was swept away in it and the current carried me near stage left, on the grassy area by the fence. The fence proved useless as about half the Sonar staff had to push against it for dear life lest a seething torrent of stoners gush through and engulf what was left of peace and order during that set.

EW's sound was nothing short of cosmic. Jus Oborn's guitar playing was very sloppy, but it fit the style and so long as the bass was on key, it worked. I really enjoyed watching the drummer, who's habit and demeanor looked straight out of 1969, and he seemed to be enjoying himself incredibly. It helped the mood. At one point somebody lit a couple sticks of incense and held it aloft next to me, only for the person to get knocked down and the burning stick fell and burned my shoulder. Felt like someone threw a firecracker at me.

I checked out a bit of Sargeist after but I was too wiped out and they didn't sound good at all. So I went back to the hotel room, played some Gregorian chant on my computer and did some writing, ending the whole fest in a quiet state of contentment and reflection.

However, as I was about to go to bed, I heard noises from next-door. There was a major domestic disturbance going on, what sounded like a couple having a vicious fight, screaming at the top of their lungs. I heard blows, and screams, and then, worst of all, silence. I was afraid to leave the room so I called David to notify the hotel staff. As he was about to do that, he told me that the lady in the situation was already downstairs describing how her S.O. had thrown a glass at her. Imagine living with the thought of having done nothing and the lady ending up being killed or raped.

In sum, this fest was fantastic. It was a blast hanging out with all you guys again, and having Andy back had not little to do with it. Having more moderate types like him and David around really helped keep the whole group under control within a safer range of outrageous behavior that last year I feared may have gone too far. Cheers to the IL crew. I look forward to chilling with all you soon when I move to the Midwest. Nicole, I'm so glad you made it to the fest. And Grant, the past week or so we've been hanging out has been truly rewarding. Come to Maine as often as you'd like!
I should have gone if for no other reason then to stab a mugger. If I had a nickel for everytime I was almost mugged and decided to not be mugged and then wasn't I'd have a solid quarter at least.
I'd have a nickel :D

Sounds like you guys had a great time, it's too bad I could only do Sunday this year. I saw krampus and introduced myself to her, and think that I saw Zeph while Church of Misery was playing. I wasn't sure though, because he had an impressive beard. I ate some mushrooms and smoked up before Saint Vitus and ended up having a bad trip :lol: I had to leave the venue and walk around for a while to get my wits back about me. I got back about 20 minutes before Electric Wizard's set, which, I should add, was pretty awesome. The rain was a godsend.
Oh my god Grant, I laughed at the entire fucking part about the roof party. That shit was incredible, thank you for recounting it.

There are some good pics of Andy, Guy, Jeff Tandy of Birth A.D. and Averse Sefira, and I up front for Demigod by

Still trying to find the time/effort for my write-up. Probably going to drink all my parent's beer and write it while jamming to future bands.