Maryland Deathfest IX

I think there's a difference between knowing someone and dating them. And that is a stark display of social ineptitude that you would only go to this event if you could bring some arm candy to lean on.

I'd love my girlfriend to come with me, but I'm not going to ask her, or myself, to spend that much money to get her to something she won't enjoy nearly as much as I will. I left her in New England the past two times I went and never thought I wouldn't enjoy it as much because she wasn't there with me. In fact it could be hindering if I had someone to worry about during the whole festival.
Considering that she'd be there for several of the bands herself and not just because I wanted her to go that makes your statement invalid.

Honestly I think just about the only band you could announce at this point that'd excite her more about it than she is already is Katharsis.

My point is either I go to MDF or I go see her - financial restrictions are a bit damning, I think the choice here is obviously in favor of my decision. Its not even a sure thing if she won't be able to make it, so it is possible we'll be there anyways.
The addition of D666 and Cathedral means it's very likely that I'll go. Will have to think a bit more about it.
Chris, I really hope you can make it again. Some of my most fond memories of the weekend were chilling with you and watching "The Whitest Kids You'll Know" or whatever it's called.
I will be so much drunker if I go this time. Fuck it, I'm buying a ticket tomorrow. They're on sale already, right? It's happening.