Maryland Deathfest IX

The headliners are a major disappointment. I really dont care about seeing Voivod in 2011. The only bands that I got really exited for were Dead Congregation and Inquisition. The rest of the bands are stuff what would be cool to see. However, Dead Congregation is one of 2 bands I want to see before I die so I will be in attendance. I hope most of the UMers that came last year will come too. I did have fun with you guys.
Doom is fun but gets boring after 5 songs because they are all completely same.
"The following bands have been confirmed for MDF IX:

CATHEDRAL (UK) - Exclusive US Show
DESTROYER 666 (Australia)
EXTORTION (Australia)

All of the above bands except for Destroyer 666 will be playing on Thursday, May 26th.

We're still sorting out details with a few more bands for the Thursday portion of the festival. Aside from those few bands, we won't be announcing anyone else.

A list of bands for each of the 4 days of the festival can now be found here.

Single day tickets for Friday-Sunday are now available to purchase here. An option to purchase a 4-day pass and Thursday only ticket will be available as soon as the bill for Thursday is complete, which could be in as little as just a few days from now."
I'm likely not going, unfortunately, I was saving up for getting my girlfriend to be able to come, but her exams for school'll likely be that weekend and I'd actually prefer to be able to see her sometime relatively soon than go to this :P so you know