Maryland Deathfest XII: May 22nd - May 25th, 2014

Are you going to MDF 2014?

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Totally. Noothgrush Ive seen a few times, but definitely down for Left For Dead and The Secret.

It all depends who these bands are overlapping with, but im interested in a lot of bands at the Soundstage this year:

Mainly Birdlfesh, Extinction of Mankind, Death Toll 80k and Enabler. Those are must haves for me.

Other acts I hope to see: Cripple Bastards (they fucking destroy live), Kill The Client, Black Breath, Dropdead, Stapled Shut, Maruta, and Shitstorm.
Oh yeah, I forgot they would most likely be playing at the same time with other bands at different stages. They should be putting out the times when each band is going up soon. But yeah definitely checking that stage out every now and then. I've heard good things about Kill the Client and Birdflesh, actually and a couple others you posted. W00t May couldn't come any quicker
I had my first MDF dream of the year last night :( . If anyone has any friends that would love to pay me to have sex with them so I can make this, please let me know. I don't discriminate with regards to race, gender, religion, or waist size.
Guy, I'm willing to defer your hotel payment if you can manage to snag a 3-day pass yourself. For one thing, I'm paying with my credit card and wouldn't be technically paying the hotel bill till July.
Jeremy, that's a very generous offer; one I'll have to seriously consider. I know I'd end up screwing myself for a couple of months afterward, but if I manage to get a couple of decent checks and sell a few records, I might have to do it.

Andy, if I do make the irresponsible decision to go, I'll be rocking the 211 all weekend. Also, <3
That's kinda lame br0, you better at least bring some kvlt IL beerz

edit: trying to convince my friend Chris' brother to go... dude loves grind/PV and crust shit. Unfortunately the soundstage options are all sold out. Dang. Listening to a lot of stuff that's playing that venue, it's all pretty good honestly.
I can honestly say I have no interest in the Soundstage. I'll be at the Edison lot in the afternoons downing Yuengling and at the Ram's Head at night likely super trashed.
Thanks a bunch, Jeremy.

Schmidt, I have my ticket basically paid for with Mombux, I just sold some records, and a bigger paycheck in a couple of weeks has my normal expenses taken care of. It's fucking happening.

Andy, as always, <3.

This is all I've been thinking about all day, and I doubt that's going to stop any time soon. I can't fucking wait for this.
I can also provide transport on the way there if Schmidt's clown-car is too full. We can run through Peoria and grab you. You'd have to ride back with others, though.