Maryland Deathfest XII: May 22nd - May 25th, 2014

Are you going to MDF 2014?

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They should change the name of MDF to reflect that it's actually just an internet forum convention where metal bands happen to play. Blizzcon might actually contain less nerdiness.
Hotel booked! Thanks for alleviating my paranoia, but I really wanted to make sure we got a room close by the venues. I would REALLY like somebody to book a second room in the same hotel. We need one more person to take that initiative.

They should change the name of MDF to reflect that it's actually just an internet forum convention where metal bands happen to play. Blizzcon might actually contain less nerdiness.

And it's worked out great each year! We spend half the time partying with people we've known for years, and then go see awesome bands.
We get 8 people in there, we each pay ~$100 total. You get what you pay for. Seeing that the Holiday Inn was booked, this is probably the best deal we can get that close to the venue (and with free breakfast!).

Prove me wrong if you find a better deal elsewhere with that kind of proximity. I can always cancel the reservation with impunity.
Hopefully these rooms are bigger.

Holiday Inn was way too small. Barely enough space for everyone and their luggage. Fuck sleeping in a bed with Collin, Vince, Chris and Xul.

Fucking 5 people in one bed. Literally. There were 5 people fucking in one bed.
I can't guarantee the room is bigger. Of all the factors involved: price, parking, breakfast, and proximity to venue, the size of the room is not a deal breaker to me. Everyone should bring a sleeping bag and be prepared to make sacrifices.
Yeah, I don't mind. For the sake of the others in the room, though, hopefully the room is close to the lobby bathroom. My ass typically becomes a weapon of mass destruction over during MDF weekend, and I'd rather not have to subject everyone to it.
Part of the experience Guy. Everyone bombs the bathroom, especially during MDF weekend. So many fucking beers.

Yeah I know Jeremy, its all good. Ill sleep bath tub for all I care.

Someone needs to fucking volunteer to book the other room.
All those hotels claim that they are booked but you can usually order rooms from different websites and whatnot.

Do we have any other volunteers for the other room? I would hate to book another room and only have 3 people pay for it with me...
Do we have someone booking the other room? Is it you Schmidt?

Ill switch over to your side (if thats allowed) to start to even things out, if thatll even help?...But we really need to figure this shit out, time is tickin.

As a side note, Nicole might be out for MDF this year. Still not 100%, just thought id let you know because we were counting on her for another share of the room costs.
Meh, I COULD do it if it was necessary, but I wouldn't be comfortable unless I had everyone's money up front. I live too close from paycheck to paycheck and I'd be fucking dead if the hotel charged me $1000 as soon as I paid and I only had $200 in my account.
Met up with Kevin Young in Boston last night. He's doubtful on MDF attendance this year, especially after I explained the new format to him. If he does come, it would be for one or two nights of the 'fest. He's much more interested in Chaos in Tejas, he says.
Yeah, I agree. Despite having very little in common in regards to musical taste, I love that queer.

BTW, someone should man up and book that other room. I'm a broke asshole, otherwise I would.
Well if no one else plans on booking the other room I'll do it again this year because fuck it I still live with my parents and I don't have shit sucking money away.
If we all die in some shitty car accident though you guys are fucked and will have to sleep outside.
Well if no one else plans on booking the other room I'll do it again this year because fuck it I still live with my parents and I don't have shit sucking money away.
If we all die in some shitty car accident though you guys are fucked and will have to sleep outside.

Thank you, Kris. Be aware I won't be able to shuttle any New Englanders down this year since I'll be driving directly from Iowa. I do plan, however, to drive to New England from Baltimore after the 'fest to stay in Maine for the summer.