
Disturbed4ntics said:
You listed albums by some of the worst bands ever to exist.
If you think that those bands are the worst ever to exist you haven't heard much metal. And don't you like Korn anyway? I surely hope a mallcore kid isn't trying to bash Dismember, Iron Maiden, Nile and Amon Amarth because that would be a FUCKING JOKE.
Necro Joe said:
If you think that those bands are the worst ever to exist you haven't heard much metal. And don't you like Korn anyway? I surely hope a mallcore kid isn't trying to bash Dismember, Iron Maiden, Nile and Amon Amarth because that would be a FUCKING JOKE.

Cheers for backing me up, I thought I was going mad or something, fair enough maybe I should have included Dissection instead of Vintersorg, but I thought everything was fairly accepted by most people as at least being good.

I could list masterpieces for a while, I find it easier to appreciate something, I know some people find it easier to find fault.
I didn't see him posting any Masterpieces that he enjoyed, maybe he thinks people will abuse him, just out of curiousity are there any Nu - Metal masterpieces?

Don't think there will be, but I'd like to see what this disturbed guy thinks is good seeing as ManOwaR, Nile, Dismember and Blind Guardian are "The worst bands ever"
Ummm..."Nu-metal" or "Mallcore" or whatever stupid name you guys want to call it, are pretty good in my book.

To be perfectly honest, I like most of the bands that HMS and Disturbed4ntics both listed, save Korn and Nevermore, the former coz they stink like poopoo and the latter simply coz they ain't my style.

Since the band Agalloch has sparked so much controversy, I must look into them at once.

EDIT: Agalloch are good. Not overrated or underrated. Like early Opeth, but with more doom metal mixed in. Good stuff. Yay for America!
anonymousnick2001 said:
EDIT: Agalloch are good. Not overrated or underrated. Like early Opeth, but with more doom metal mixed in. Good stuff. Yay for America!


When will people learn, Agalloch is not like early Opeth, Agalloch is like early Ulver.

Heavy Metal Samurai, I agree with you in that the nu-metal mallcore stuff is average at best, but I think that you are, in turn, throwing the word "masterpiece" around too easily.

I like all those CDs on your list, but I would only dub the term "masterpiece" to Agalloch's The Mantle, and to Iron Maiden's Piece of Mind.
Some of these masterpeices suck real bad (In Flames - Colony? What were you thinking?) but since it's all just taste an' opinions I'll chip in:

The Chasm: Conjeration of the Spectral empire

My Dying bride: Turn loose the swans

Destroyer 666: Unchain the wolves

Possessed: Seven Churches

Mercyful Fate: Don't break the Oath

Autopsy: Mental Funeral

Argoslent: Incorrigible Bigotry

Radiohead: OK Computer

Atheist: Unquestionable Presence

Carcass: Necroticism, Descanting the Insalubrious

Opeth: Morningrise
ffanatic said:

When will people learn, Agalloch is not like early Opeth, Agalloch is like early Ulver.

Heavy Metal Samurai, I agree with you in that the nu-metal mallcore stuff is average at best, but I think that you are, in turn, throwing the word "masterpiece" around too easily.

I like all those CDs on your list, but I would only dub the term "masterpiece" to Agalloch's The Mantle, and to Iron Maiden's Piece of Mind.

So what if I like a variety of Metal, the power metal fans will think the death Metal is stupid and the death metal fans will think the power metal is gay, but at the end of the day so what.

Sorry, but ManOwaR are the epitome of Cheese-filled Power Metal and Kings of Metal is probably their finest album.

I could have went with "Like An Everflowing Stream" for Dismember but that would be predictable, and besides I prefer "Death Metal"

Burnt Offerings is Iced Earth's best album. End of. Even if Jon hates it I think it's the best work, so fucking dark.

Amon Amarth, that is without doubt one of the only CD's I can listen to without skipping a single track, half an hour of Swedish Death Metal and every track kills.

Nevermore, this is another one, every track on Dead Heart... is amazing, I agree their style is not for everyone but if you like it, this album is beyond words.

Anyway, I could go forever about Great CD's but I won't.

If you understand you don't need to be told, if you need to be told you could never understand.
Oh and the most forgotten underappreciated metal band ever Voivod. Id say Dimension Hatross, Nothingface, The Outer Limits, and Phobos are all masterpieces. Everything theyve done is just so damn good.