Masters of Horror

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I've seen a couple of episodes and I must say that it's one of the most interesting horror series I've ever seen. One of the creepiest, most unsettling ones was one from Dario Argento, of all people. I personally think the guy's overrated and too cheesy, but his "Jenifer" episode was fucking wicked. Check it out if you haven't already. It's about a woman who has the face of a horribly disfigured demon but the body of a goddess who seduces people and then devours them alive. It was the first time I've actually gotten shivers from a scary movie since I was about 10 years old. There's just something creepy about someone that ugly giving a guy a blow job. The cat scene is classic horror.
a few of them are fairly good, and a lot of them are terribly worthless.

I keep forgetting to watch the "3rd season"/"New Series"/etc whatever, Fear Itself. Being on NBC, my expectations are even lower, but hey there could still be a great episode in there somewhere.
a few of them are fairly good, and a lot of them are terribly worthless.

I keep forgetting to watch the "3rd season"/"New Series"/etc whatever, Fear Itself. Being on NBC, my expectations are even lower, but hey there could still be a great episode in there somewhere.

Could you recommend a film that really scared you?
Meh, maybe not. Different things scare different people. Extreme gore and violence doesn't scare me, just kinda grosses me out/makes me laugh.

Truly scary things for me are disturbing images and the supernatural, although it's more of a fascination than fright. That "Cigarette Burns" episode was pretty cool...not very scary at all but really interesting. Extreme suspense is more unnerving than gore and violence for me. I think the scariest movie of all time is the original Night of the Living Dead, honestly. I'm eagerly awaiting for someone to up the ante.
Meh, maybe not. Different things scare different people. Extreme gore and violence doesn't scare me, just kinda grosses me out/makes me laugh.

Truly scary things for me are disturbing images and the supernatural, although it's more of a fascination than fright. That "Cigarette Burns" episode was pretty cool...not very scary at all but really interesting. Extreme suspense is more unnerving than gore and violence for me. I think the scariest movie of all time is the original Night of the Living Dead, honestly. I'm eagerly awaiting for someone to up the ante.

Indeed suspense makes the best horror, but it's even better for me with the slightest bit of gore for the gross out factor, i.e. The Thing, Alien, Dawn of the Dead. Now those are scary.

The gore in House by the Cemetery isn't particularly memorable, compared to other Fulci films, but it shines because I think they nail the suspense of "there's an evil creature in the basement," and then during the final scenes it is an absolute nightmare.

On the other end you get the snoozefest J-horrors which try their hardest to make it all suspense, with no payoff, or if they do its when something finally appears at the end. Along these same line, is the 70s horror classic, Don't Look Now, which I'd say suffers from the same problem. People love it though, and claim its terrifying, so its worth a try. The ending is frightening, sure, but completely hilarious at the same time. I won't spoil it, but I just find it too funny.

I am all for hidden, unspeakable horrors, Lovecraft style, but the thing is if the writing can't pull that off, it just doesn't work. This is why in film adaptations of Lovecraft's works, I'd dare say the payoff of showing a creature is mandatory. Carpenter and Gordon made masterworks of this combination of film artistry and Lovecraftian horror. This reminds me that the episode of Master of Horror, "Dreams in the Witch House," is particularly well done, though not at all frightening.

I forget from the thread a while ago where we talked about [REC], but have you seen that film? I'd say its probably the closest thing we've had in a while to a modern day Night of the Living Dead.
The Thing has to be one of my favorite movies ever!!!!

Man, when they were doing the test in the wreck room. I about fucking shit myself when it started changing and all the guys were tied up to it.
The Thing is my favorite movie, flawless!

And I wish horror movies brought back the glowing eyes in the dark in old horror movies, that shit is terrifying. Ive been renting alot of Dario's and Fulci's work lately and really happy with it. Wish Netflix had Beyond from Fulci though :( I heard its awesome

On Lovecraft, I bought Castle Freak the other week, that was a good lil straight to movie horror flick. I want to see this other movie The Unnamable but they havent even re-released it to DVD since it came out in VHS awhile ago
Beyond is a good example of over the top gore that just detracts from any sense of horror. It's absolutely great though, in a sick, gross way.

I haven't seen Castle Freak in such a long time. A year or two ago I was trying to find the DVD but it seemed to be out of print, and I just hadn't looked for it again since I heard it was coming back out on DVD. Another Stuart Gordon Lovecraft classic as well is "From Beyond."

Might as well also mention the two other films in Carpenter's trilogy of horror after The Thing, those being In The Mouth of Madness and Prince of Darkness.