Best horror film!!! (Out of these haha)

Best horror movie out of these:

  • Halloween

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday The 13th

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Hellraiser

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • A Nightmare On Elm Street

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Evil Dead

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Dawn Of The Dead

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Night Of The Living Dead

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Demons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trick Or Treat :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prom Night

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Shining

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carrie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Exorcist

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • The Omen

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Maniac

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fright Night

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Basket Case

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Spit On Your Grave

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Burning

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The ones on the list that gave me the shivers are A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Exorcist (the director's cut). The others that I've seen (which is all but Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Prom Night, Maniac and Basket Case) are all fun in their own right, but not all that scary.

I like the chillers these days, especially the new ones, such as The Sixth Sense and The Others. Both great flicks!
Has anybody ever seen Silent Night Deadly Night? Hehehe that was cool I thought, I expected it to be a typical crap slasher movie (I enjoy crap slasher movies, they are fun), but it was surprisingly good.

Much better than that British christmas one... Don't Open Till Christmas hahahaha.
Umm... I was referring the Friday the 13th SERIES, not the original film. Yeah, that'll do...

(backs away nervously)

Wrathchild - I know that you have every single shred of information about me stored away on your PC there, and when the opportunity arises you find something that I like and then discredit it. It's very annoying :)
I'm not a fan of today's horror movies, they are too um... I dunno how to explain it. Overproduced in a way. Part of the beauty of the horror movie to me was always the low budget production, it added to the atmosphere of the film I think.

You must see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it's a masterpiece of horror!
Is that the one where Santa runs around killing people? Nup, haven't seen it.

Back when I was a kid I mainly just watched the Nightmare and Jason flicks. Last Jason flick I watched was the one with the telekinesis chick.
Depends on what sort of horror flick you're after, though - are you after a slasher flick, or a scary ghost-type of flick? Old slashers are better than the new crop by far (although there are a couple of scenes in Scream 2, most notably the one in the recording studio thing, that are up there with the best) but I really like the new ghost flicks... well, some of them. Blair Witch Project was great!

Josh? JOSH?! And that last shot... *shiver*
You seriously think I have that much room on my hard drive? :lol:
I tried to enjoy The Omen, I really did, but it had no sense of menace. Patrick Troughton (one of my fave actors) did a great job, but even he couldn't save it.

Sigh... I guess I was spoilt by seeing The Exorcist first. That film is definitive! Must buy the director's cut on DVD.

Sydo, I've heard that Exorcist III is when William Friedkin (who directed the original) decided to come back and do the *real* sequel. Haven't seen it, but it's on the list.


Blair Witch was a breath of fresh air I think, it did for '90s horror what The Texas Chainsaw Massacre did in the '70s, except TCM is ALOT better and more entertaining.

Scream and Scream 2 are extremely clever! Especially if you are a horror fan like me, and pick out all the references to the '80s flicks. But most of the new crop of slasher films are more like Dawson's Creek with murders happening hahaha!

Yeah Silent Night Deadly Night is the one where a kid sees his parents killed by a store Santa, and years later he gets a job as a Santa (I think, can't remember lol) then then goes nuts again and goes on a killing spree.

Don't Open Till Christmas is about a nut who hates Christmas killing anyone in a Santa suit around Christmas time hahaha!
Originally posted by Sydo

Taht is correct. I started watching The Exorcist II once, but it was pathetically bad. :(

The Exorcist II is generally regarded as one of the worst films ever made. It was #2 in a book of Turkey Films or something we have here hahaha. Not a good introduction to horror movies probably.. :)
Nah, William Friedkin didn't make Exorcist III, William Peter Blatty did (he wrote the original novel and wrote the screenplay for the first film). Haven't seen it, but I heard it's so-so.
For D-grade horror/sexploitation, you can't go past Troma Team!

Bloodsucking Freaks and The Toxic Avenger are 2 of the most wrong movies ever heheh. So very very WRONG! Hahaha! The politically incorrect content in them makes Trey Parker films and South Park look like Playschool lol. In these 2 films you have a blind woman's guide dog being shot to bits, people who run over little children for fun and have a points system for who they run over (little kids on bikes is worth alot! hahah!), a girl "enjoying herself" haha over pictures of the dead hit n run victims, a 14 year old schoolgirl being whipped then decapitated then a midget using her head for oral sex, a nice combination of live brain surgery and a refreshing drink featuring a power drill and plastic straw, nipple electrocution, and alot more :)
I think 'The Blair Witch Project' is awesome! That last scene freaked the fuck outta me! The thing with this movie though is that if you watch it in a light mood, you will probably find it laughable, but if you are in the mood to get freaked out, then turn of the lights and make sure no-one is in the house sort of thing. I really liked it anyways. The sequel wasn't too bad either. :)

Trent, I want your video collection!! I think I will be going to hire out alot of horror movies this weekend. :)

oh, and I like Scream, I thought it was great.
Ah, I knew it was William something! I read the book long before I saw the original film, so it's easy to get Messrs Friedkin and Blatty mixed up :). There's a prequel in the works too apparently, but don't hold your breath.

On a related topic, I'm currently reading "The Devil Rides Out" by Dennis Wheatley (the man who inspired a million Black Sabbath lyrics). For those of you not already well versed in the black arts of the Left Hand Path, this is an ideal place to start :heh:.

Yeah, the prequel might be good - Liam Neeson is in the Max Von Sydow role, apparently, and John Frankenheimer is directing it - he's no slouch when it comes to directing (most of the time).