"math metal"

I think "technical metal" is a better term. :) Try out Cynic - Focus, Extol - Undecieved, Spiral Architect - A Sceptics Universe, and Death - The Sound of Perseverance for some good stuff in that area..Meshuggah too, well if you can sacrifice a lot of melody....ok stuff but I'm not into them as much as the other bands.
Math Metal is the made up term for polyrythmic bands like Meshuggah, et al.

Actually, I believe DEP was once penned as CalculusCore, but I can't remember.
Math metal... lol... I thought some had found a way to use maths with something to do with metal... A practical use for maths? Nahhh.... Unless you are... A teacher! or an accountant, or work at a shopping till, oky, so perhaps there are a few uses for maths... :p
there's no such thing as math metal, it's made up. DEP is hardcore, and Mudvayne is just nu-metal or hard rock.

i think "technical metal" would be a better name...for bands like Meshuggah, and Cynic.
This is dumb. Mudvayne is just mallcore, they have like one or two tricky riffs/beats, nothing to be excited about. Meshuggah on the other hand does well at that, and Mastodon too I'm guessing although I haven't heard enough to know...
Acctually, Mudvayne are a great example. While their social status leaves a bit to desire, their guitar work and arrangement of music is pretty well done and always revolves around an equation or number.