How far does your taste branch out within the realms of metal?

I like a little bit of something from all metal genres, but most metal bands, by and large, either suck or are merely mediocre. I have the same attitude towards people - I like people from every race/culture/creed, but most can swing from a tree by the neck for all I care.

so you just assume that most of the world's population sucks, even though you don't know them?
so you just assume that most of the world's population sucks, even though you don't know them?

Yes. Consider everyone you ever met. Now try and honestly tell me that you like a majority of them. Most of them you don't care at all about, and some you hate. A rare few make a good enough impression to deserve reverence and respect. Again, this attitude is applicable to music.
Yes. Consider everyone you ever met. Now try and honestly tell me that you like a majority of them. Most of them you don't care at all about, and some you hate. A rare few make a good enough impression to deserve reverence and respect. Again, this attitude is applicable to music.

it's a very egotistical view of the world that takes authority from personal subjectivity. there are a lot of people who are different from you, different ages, walks of life, even the day you meet someone on can affect what you think of them, or the fact that you've never had a meaningful conversation with them. that people have to make an impression on you in order for you to respect them is also not very constructive- why not respect people until given a reason to do otherwise?

the majority of people i've met i have no opinion of. this doesn't mean i don't care about them, and it doesn't mean i have any right to pass judgment on them, it's just that the capacity in which i know them, or the amount of time i've spent with them, means it is difficult to form a genuine or indeed meaningful opinion.
There is a difference between respect and common courtesy. I treat everyone I meet with courtesy, respect must be earned. The fact that some people believe that everyone deserve respect automatically disturbs me. It provides no incentive for contributing to society in a meaningful way. As for everyone who has disagreed with me thus far, I do respect them, because they have framed the debate in a mature and rational manner. The first one to say something along the lines of "Fuck you, you retarded cocksucker!" looses all respect from me.
That is some serious monkey sphere mentality. 150 people in one part of the world are not a large enough sample to by which to judge the entirety of humanity.

The same goes for metal bands. I doubt you've heard enough of them to judge "the majority" of them.
If there are any facts of which I can say that I'm fairly confident, it is these two:

1) That most metal bands suck
2) That most people in this world are not worth getting to know
Why do you feel the need to comment at all if you just don't like the genre?

Well because all Onder was getting was feedback from the fanboys. I tried them... I gave it an honest go, hell I bought the fucking albums... and think they blow. Simple. Onder should Youtube the music before buying it. That's my rec.
You must not have an appreciation for rap in general if you dislike Wu-Tang.

Ghostface and GZA are probably the two best rappers out there.

Genelec & Memphis Reigns are probably my favorite rap group though.

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There is a difference between respect and common courtesy. I treat everyone I meet with courtesy, respect must be earned. The fact that some people believe that everyone deserve respect automatically disturbs me. It provides no incentive for contributing to society in a meaningful way. As for everyone who has disagreed with me thus far, I do respect them, because they have framed the debate in a mature and rational manner. The first one to say something along the lines of "Fuck you, you retarded cocksucker!" looses all respect from me.

fuck you, you retarded cocksucker.
Yes. Consider everyone you ever met. Now try and honestly tell me that you like a majority of them. Most of them you don't care at all about, and some you hate.

This isn't even true. I do like the majority of people I meet. By "meet" I mean the people I introduce myself to honestly and cordially, and continue to have conversations with and eventually develop lasting relationships with.

Now, I "encounter" people far more than I truly "meet" them; but encountering people doesn't give you anywhere near enough information to truly know them. You can assume that the cashier is being a bitch because she's a bad person; or, you can be mature and realize that maybe she's having a shitty day.

Your conclusion that most people aren't worth knowing is irrational. However, maybe you're just having a bad day. So I'm not going to write you off as not deserving of my respect. You seem like an intelligent person with a rather unfortunate outlook on life.

If there are any facts of which I can say that I'm fairly confident, it is these two:

1) That most metal bands suck
2) That most people in this world are not worth getting to know

You really are just so enlightened. How many people have you met in your parents' basement?
Thank you for the delightful little jab there. Oh no I'm a 22 year old who just got out of college and I'm still living with my parents wow what a loser I am. Thanks a lot bro, you really make me feel more confident in my views.

Why is it so hard to imagine that for some people, such a statement as "most people are not worth getting to know" could be true? It's obviously a subjective assertion in that what qualities in one person appeal to others can be radically different between to people. Surely I don't have to explain that further? Anyway, it's no secret that I don't particularly care for many traits that the majority of people seem to share. I prefer those who are similar to me. I don't find any 'charm' in "embracing differences" and for me the idea that "opposites attract" does not apply. The fact that most people are not like me leads me to the conclusion that I would not be well served by getting to know most people. I don't understand why people feeling this way seems to be a legitimate problem for some people.

Also lol at you basically defining "people I've met" as "friends." Of course if the only people you consider to have "met" are your friends, then you will quite enjoy "meeting" people.
Thank you for the delightful little jab there. Oh no I'm a 22 year old who just got out of college and I'm still living with my parents wow what a loser I am. Thanks a lot bro, you really make me feel more confident in my views.

Why is it so hard to imagine that for some people, such a statement as "most people are not worth getting to know" could be true? It's obviously a subjective assertion in that what qualities in one person appeal to others can be radically different between to people. Surely I don't have to explain that further? Anyway, it's no secret that I don't particularly care for many traits that the majority of people seem to share. I prefer those who are similar to me. I don't find any 'charm' in "embracing differences" and for me the idea that "opposites attract" does not apply. The fact that most people are not like me leads me to the conclusion that I would not be well served by getting to know most people. I don't understand why people feeling this way seems to be a legitimate problem for some people.

Also lol at you basically defining "people I've met" as "friends." Of course if the only people you consider to have "met" are your friends, then you will quite enjoy "meeting" people.

I just personally think the view that most people aren't worth meeting is immature and restricting, and it only hurts your chances of actually creating meaningful relationships. Maybe you should try being more of an optimist when it comes to giving people a chance.

And I'm sorry about the jab. Once again, the way in which you phrase your opinions is incredibly frustrating, and just makes you sound like an enormous asshole.
While I may hold the view that most people aren't worth getting to know (from my own personal perspective, given my views on certain things), I should clarify that I don't harbor ill will on anybody, and generally am largely indifferent to the vast majority of people, but am very sympathetic toward suffering and personal plights and struggles and whatnot, and I by no means blow people off who try to talk to me, but rather try to be friendly and talk to them, even if I know that they're not the type of person I'd like to have around me. In other words, I'm not nearly as much of a dick as I may sound. :zombie: