Maybe I'm just being stupid here...

Nov 23, 2002
But can someone tell me why The Sun Fired Blanks doesn't seem to be in this round of the Song Survivor, even though it only got one vote last round? Maybe it IS there, and I'm just blind or insane. Maybe the system is different to how I thought it was. But I LOVE THAT SONG AND I MISS IT. :cry:
you're not being stupid.
that was the good news. :p

the sun fired blanks, along with its whole group, skipped this round because two earlier survivors ended in a tie, we had to remove both songs together in both cases and so right now that group is much slimmer than the others. that was also rather good news, wasn't it? :p
Rahvin is right, Part 3 with The Sun Fired Blanks (and many others) will return on the next round of the Survivor - which I think will start very soon.

And meanwhile, don't forget to vote on the rest of the polls!!! Now let's get back to the normal programme, Katrin, we're hearing you.
