Mein Kampf


Apr 16, 2007
Could anyone tell me if it's a worthwhile read? I watched that new Valkyrie movie with Tom Cruise (Not bad...Too "Tom-Cruise-Does-A-Shit-Job-At-Being-Intense" but alright otherwise) and it has made me crave this.

I just want to know what I'm getting myself into is all.
It's rightly considered a classic, but that's a consequence of Hitler's role in recent world history as opposed to any inherent literary quality.

It wanders, and in many parts is just the savage rantings of a very angry man.

Read if your interested, by all means.
Derek said:
Read if your interested, by all means.

It's a good read in relation to history, but don't expect a masterpiece.
Hitler was a dumbass. If you want to read about something the Germans did well, pick up Panzer Aces and other Panzer tank commander books.