Came home a bit over an hour ago, unpacked all my shit. The whole trip was incredibly, unbelievably awesome, met loads of forum members. Hobo (Björn), Cis (Sabine), Camille (Camille

), Frith (Emil (email

)), Stefan86 (Stefan), Opethpainter (Eugene), Burton C Bill (Bill), Bleak Eyes (forgot your real name dude!), Weepngwrds (Jeff) and probably some more. Sadly I didn't meet EternityRites, your avatar pic is a bit too little 'revealing' to make a positive ID on
Took pics with pretty much all the 'stars' that were on the boat. Thanks to Björn for picking me up from the airport, showing me to the subway and all other assistance and of course for sharing the cabin. Same for Ernst, nice to meet you dude (hope you read this somehow)! Also it was great to meet Camille's friends Alex and Mike, you guys rule, really made some new friends, can't wait for the next time to drink and party with you guys! Really hope you guys can come to Wacken!
What a weekend, my mind is still digesting it all, so the stories and pics will follow later. Anyway, the gigs were awesome, being on the same boat with the bands was incredible, had really cool chat with Axe of Opeth, some nice drunken adventures with Mattias N
And yes, Mikael did Murder! Hell yeah! It was so awesome.