Well, this weekend was quite the experience to say the least. A lot of lessons learned for European travel for next time. My girlfriend and I left the US a little afternoon Friday, and got to Sweden a little before Noon on Saturday. We had 3 flights for the day, and then 3 more back. I would like to thank Björn for leading us all the way from the airport to the boat. If not for him, we would have been completely lost, so thank you Björn!
We got to the Silja cruiseline building around 2, I believe, but we were not allowed onto the boat until 3:30. My girlfriend and I were so fucking tired at this point, it was ridiculous. We talked to Björn and his friend Ernst for a bit downstairs. After we went back up, I met Martijn (MadTinus). The name is Brandon by the way.

We had a good chat before we were allowed on the boat, and my girlfriend and I lied on the bed for a bit. I took two delusional laps up and down the stairs to see where the stage was and whatnot. I was seriously fucking out of it, and I wish that I could have seen myself. The two of us went to sleep, but there was no way for me to sleep very well because I did want to wake up late, and realize that I had just missed Opeth. So, we got up a couple of hours before Opeth, and we went to find some food. At this point, we met Mr. Stefan (Stefan86) and his girlfriend. We ended up hanging with those two more than anyone else. It was really fun. We ended up watching some crazy shit in the middle of the boat that seemed to have started out of nowhere. It was some guy jumping around and spinning on and in some giant wheel. It was death defying, and very interesting, I suppose.
After Opeth played, the two of us went upstairs, and I saw Anders. He was probably the person that I wanted to meet the most out of anyone. He was speaking with someone else in Swedish, and I couldn't grow the balls to interupt their conversation. I bought two White Russians for my girlfriend and I, and I was about to say something to Anders. Well, some girl came up to him, said something, and then he left. I hate myself for this very much. I have met him before, but I probably had a lot more to say this time, and I had never gotten a picture with him before. Really fucking sucks. It was the best chance that I will ever get probably.
Anyways, the combination of being extremely tired, the motion of the boat, and the White Russians made us feel dead. So, we went to the cabin to hang out before Mats & Morgan because I wanted to see Mattias IA Eklundh, as well as Fredrik Thordendal. Well, fell asleep. I got up at 2 when they were going on, but I was so out of it that I just went to bed. We were to get up and see Finland, but we ended up getting out of bed at 3. We thought that we would get a little time in, so we got ready and had an hour to see Helsinki. We got up to a level with a window, and realized that we were leaving, haha. They were going by Finnish time for the departure, so that sucked. We sat by a window on one of the higher floors, and Mattias Eklundh ends up coming down the stairs. I got a picture with him. I explained to him that we fell asleep because of all of the jetlag, and lack of rest. "Good lord! It was the greatest show." That is what he told me.
After that, we ate some reindeer, ha, which was very good. We just walked around for awhile, and then we went to check out Axe and Nathalie, where we ended up meeting with Stefan and his girlfriend again. The show started about 3 or 4 times it seemed with them getting in tune or something. It was weird. Mendez was playing bass for them actually.
We got to the stage an hour early for Katatonia, and then Stefan and his girlfriend showed up as well. They were both, or at least Stefan was pretty drunk at this point and he told us that he had just been harassing Steven Wilson. Funny enough, I saw Steven at the sides of the floor, and we went over there. Seeing Stefan again made Steven very angry, ha. He told him 3 times that the Porcupine Tree gig in Stockholm was great, and Steven just became more annoyed. I told him that I wasn't drunk, and he told me that I was the only one. I got a picture with Steven, and then Stefan joined for another. Steven called it "The Power Trio", haha. I could have talked to Steven for quite a bit, but he seemed so annoyed, so I backed off early.
As everyone knows, Mike came out and played Murder, and we recorded the entire thing. I will put it on youtube sometime today, but I am going to give a couple of my friends an advanced screening so to speak.
After Katatonia, a few of the forum folks and others were supposed to party somewhere, but it never really happened. Stefan and his girlfriend were supposed to go to their cabin and come back, but they never did, ha. I wasn't going to sleep that night because we had no alarm, and I was not going to miss our flight. The phone had an alarm, but I had no idea how to set it. It went off at around 7 both mornings, ha. Anyways, I let my girlfriend sleep, and I went back up. Not much going on. Martijn, a couple of English guys, and this band Leaf Hound were hanging out. I sat back and watched them all talk about Monty Python, and it was so strange. I was so out of place, but like I said, I was pretty much in the back. I had nothing else to do unless I wanted to fall asleep. Martijn was the only guy that I had really talked to out of all of them, and then he went to bed around 5 or so. I had 4 and a half more hours after that to stay up. A weird jam started going between several people shortly after this, and it was very strange. I sat there for an hour before a security guy told them that it was 6 in the morning, and then I just went back to the cabin. I played some stuff on my ipod, and then hours later realizing that it had an alarm. No way for us to both hear it without attatching speakers, so it was no use to us on the trip unless we knew about it before. So, knowing this, I set the alarm, and lied down for an hour before getting up to shower.
We pretty much had to get the hell out as fast as we could. So, we did not get to say goodbye to anyone. I saw Martijn, but I did not say anything. As I said, we wanted to leave as soon as we could to not miss our flight. We were going to ride back to the Central Station with Björn's friend, Ernst, but we still would have had another train and bus stop after he would leave. So, we figured that it would be much easier to take a cab, even though it would be a lot more expensive. Good thing though because the machine to get your tickets was a fucking retard, and it took forever.
3 more flights back. The last one to get home was 2 or 3 hours late, and we ended up getting home after 3 AM, instead of Midnight. I was supposed to take a test in one of my classes today, but I am so fucking out of it. I can still feel the motion of 6 total flights, and the motion of the boat. As well as being very tired still. I hope that my teacher is understanding, and lets me take it tomorrow or something.
Well, this was my journey. A bit long I suppose, but it was still pretty fun and interesting. Of course, I would get there an a day early, and leave a day late, but I was cheap, then school was another issue. Lesson learned, ha.