Mellotronen 2008

@ Stefan, likewise man, really cool to talk and hang out in real life! :D Hope your foot/ankle and nose are OK now ;) I've also got a nice pic of you and your girl btw, I'll have it up soon! :D

I still feel like I'm on a boat btw!! :hypno:

@ ufomagnet, really looking forward to see your pics, please post a link when you've posted them online! :)
Yeah, and your bloody bloody paper tissue got stuck under my shoe so while walking down the stairs to the back stage area after the gig I scraped it off and went "-Eeeeeeeeeeeew!" :) I should have asked Jonas to sign it for you.

haha.. im just happy that i was pretty drunk. I just kept rocking out to the gig despite all the blood. Total massacre :lol: yeah.. a jonas renkse signed blood tissue would be a quite grim collectors item
@ Stefan, likewise man, really cool to talk and hang out in real life! :D Hope your foot/ankle and nose are OK now ;) I've also got a nice pic of you and your girl btw, I'll have it up soon! :D

I still feel like I'm on a boat btw!! :hypno:

@ ufomagnet, really looking forward to see your pics, please post a link when you've posted them online! :)

hahah.. yeah im okay. I just cant believe I fell in those stairs TWICE. Koff 7,5 is one merciless beer. Nice, really looking forward to seeing the pics :) We kinda forgot to take pictures with everybody we were hanging out with and stuff :(

yeah.. the sjögång was pretty brutal around the gig :p
What a perfect weekend!!!!
When did I last meet so many great people in one place?!
Every single band was good, better, guess which one was best.... :rock:
It was quite an adventure to catch my flight home but I made it last minute :hypno:
More later, need to sleep now.
Hugs to all the mellofellows& missed you's to the Katameetingpeople who couldn't come.
hahah.. yeah im okay. I just cant believe I fell in those stairs TWICE. Koff 7,5 is one merciless beer. Nice, really looking forward to seeing the pics :) We kinda forgot to take pictures with everybody we were hanging out with and stuff :(

yeah.. the sjögång was pretty brutal around the gig :p
Oh yeah, sjögång, that was it :D I still feel it, how weird :/

Anyway, here's the pic :)

:D Say hi to your girl (forgot her name...) for me!

All my pics are up on my MySpace now. I'll post some more here later.

@ Cis, glad you're home safe! :) Sweet Mello-dreams!
Sure sucks living in the U.S.:waah:
I'd give my left nut to have been on that boat meeting all you cool Kat's.
Boozing it up with Tinus and Stefan especially would be hellacool! One day maybe, one day.
I just got back from my last flight. It was delayed 2 hours for some reason. Awesome stuff. I am tired, and my head hurts, so I will post something more informative later on.
@Belligerent: hopefully there's another opportunity. these forum gatherings are pretty rocking :)

@Bleak_Eyes: oh man.. that must've sucked immensely. I feel a bit bummed that we didn't get to say a real goodbye btw. we fell asleep in the cabin and overslept until the boat got to stockholm haha. real nice seeing you man
I am still recovering today, so my ability to describe the experience is limited. The boat rocking during Katatonia was complete bullshit, but the rest of the trip was really amazing. ufomagnet, I wish I had known your face before going, but thank you for being polite to me in the pit the couple times we met, it sucks being really small. I look forward to seeing your photos :)

I really really enjoyed meeting those of you I did see, for those of you I didn't, I hope to see you soon the next time I am in Stockholm. I think I recognize some of you but I wasn't sure, and being shy I am not a good person to run up to people, so I apologize!

Here is some video of Katatonia:
Alright, time for some pics then.

Me not long after arrival in Stockholm and meeting with Camille, Mike & Alex (pic taken by Camille):

Self-timer shot of me, Alex, Mike and Camille on the deck of our boat hotel, before going to the warm-up party.

Forum meeting at the warm-up party @ Café Edenborg: Me, weepngwrds, Burton C. Bill & Camille.

On our way to the boat.

We met Frith/Emil (on the right) in the subway on the way to the boat :)

Queueing to board the boat, in this pic: Alex (far left), Burton C. Bill, Cis/Sabine, Ernst (Bleak Eyes is hiding behind him), Camille and Bleak Eyes girlfriend behind her, in front of Camille it's Mike throwing the horns, behind Camille and Mike, throwing the horns as well, it's Hobo (with sunglasses on his fidel hat).

Hobo/Björn, Ernst and me in our cabin.


Hazy pic of Opeth in action

Mattias N joins the "forum meeting" :)
M.Å. & me!

Martin Mendez and me :)

Axe, me and Fredrik Åkesson!

The Katz in action!

M.Å. joins in for a legendary rendition of "Murder"!

Me (just after Katatonia, so I look a bit funky ;)) and Steven Wilson

The man who made it all happen: Stefan Dimle. And me.

Posing in a gatan of Stockholm old-town Monday afternoon :)

Lunch, just before goodbye *sniff* :(