Mellotronen 2008

Yeah, I can't wait for this either, I just came back from India yesterday (pics a.s.a.p.) and next week already there's the amazing Melloboat coming up. I too still have to find/book accomodation for the night from Friday to Saturday.
I thought about sleeping on the street, but you would have to recommend a good bench. :)

I think we are staying on this other boat Rygerfjord Hotel & Hostel,Friday night, you can check out their availability here. They are walking distance from the cafe the party will be at on Friday night, and to get to the ship just take a taxi.
If I didn't have school, I would probably stay longer. It figures that this isn't a week later because that would have been perfect. Our spring break is the following week, so I would have stayed for that week. Sucks. Oh well, I will come back sometimes anyways most likely.
Mike A. posted a little review of each band on the Opeth site, and for the Katatonia write up he said something like "I wonder if Katatonia will be performing songs off of 'Brave Murder Day?'" Could you imagine Mike coming out and doing the vocals for one of those songs? Also, he said Steven Wilson of Porc Tree will be in attendance on the cruise, but isn't scheduled (he thinks) to perform. Man, I can't wait!