Mellotronen 2008

Hail everyone!

I have been practising some fabulously non-essential
Swedish for the trip, such as...

jag har existentiell ångest
I have existential angst


det här är en seg fest
this is a boring party

Please feel free to recommend more... :saint:
Hur Mar Du?

Sug Min Kuk?!

That's all I was ever the GrindStuff hub on DC++

It isn't towards you don't be mad :D
Hey all the katatonia/opeth/good music fans ! I am looking for people to share a cabin cheapest available left (4300kron for 4 persons)
Anyone would like to join?
Just email Mellotronen and they'll hook you up with some fellow cabin-mates, would be a shame if you'd be too late while you were waiting for people to join you.
Det skulle jag tolka som ett tecken på att övning behövs.

And for the non english speakers we are just discussing those really necessary swedish things to do on the boat.

Necessary swedish language lessons for you:
kan jag få en tia minttu, tack.
can I please have a glass of water.
Hail everyone!

I have been practising some fabulously non-essential
Swedish for the trip, such as...

jag har existentiell ångest
I have existential angst


det här är en seg fest
this is a boring party

I like the last one
well now that all the members of bloodbath will be on the boat (I think?) wouldnt suprise me to see them be one of the "suprises"

actually, it would surprise me, since it is generally a prog crouise.. all prog bands of different kind.
plus bloodbath isnt really mellotronish.

But hey, we can always hope :)