Melodic Black Metal


some loser
Jul 1, 2004
Gloucester, MA
I've listened to a pretty good amount of black metal but what bands would you consider to be melodic black metal? I'm a big fan of Dissection and I've heard them being called melodic black metal. I also listen to alot of melo-death. Recommend me some bands.
perhaps enslaved? melodic in the viking sense.

seth would also be a good choice

also, id reccomend emperor to anyone interested in bm. but they do have a big melodic style going, especially in the later albums
Abigor – Nachthymnen
Aeternus - …And So The Night Became
Aeternus – Beyond the Wandering Moon
Astrofaes – Ancestor’s Shadows
Belenos – Errances Oniriques
Countess - Heilig Vuur
Deathspell Omega – Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Drudkh – Autumn Aurora
Falkenbach – En Their Medh Riki Fara
Forefather - Ours is the Kingdom
Gontyna Kry - Welowie
Graveland – The Fire of Awakening
Megiddo – The Devil and the Whore
Moonblood – Blut und Krieg
Nachtfalke – Land of Frost
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Summoning - Dol Guldur
Summoning – Lugburz
The Shadow Order - Raise the Banners
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp
Weakling - Dead As Dreams

All BM is melodic to an extent, but this is some of the more accessible stuff out there.
Yeh, Moonblood is soooo accessible.

I second the recommendations for Summoning and Drudkh. Necrophobic too, if you're a fan of Dissection.
Is Drudkh very minimalistic (like Burzum minimalistic)? I prefer to have more variety riffswise in my BM... For example, Satyricon's DMT dissapointed me cause it was sooo repetitive.
I second Aeternus and Astriaal, ESPECIALLY Aeternus... you have to get their first 2 full lengths (the rest is DMish)
a note about dawn. they can be repetative. i had slaughtersun, and while i loved the riffs, the fact that they repeated the same 3 or 4 riffs for 7 minutes wore on me a bit. ive been told that other albums by them dont have this issue.

just my opinion. good band, but i wouldnt recomend that specific album