I'm just adding that I would LOVE a Symphony X hoodie. Or leather jacket. I love all things Symphony X, so make more and I'll buy them!
WhoFooldU said:It's not about how long it would take. It's more of a how much, how many, and what design to go with thing. All that and the band has to be 100 % in agreement with what they want to put out.
Regarding the differences in those 2 tour shirts you mentioned, the band wanted something more plain with just the tour dates. Just one a few reasons that the design changed from the first to the second version.
WhoFooldU said:Easier said than done.
karerulz said:what's a 'hooded' sweatshirt? sorry I'm dutch..
FLechdrop said:I know, but there is so much asking for it. It shouldn't be that hard to make a design. The 'how much' and 'how many' problems could be solved with t-shirts and other merch too so it should be possible.
SilentRealm said:i bought a mug.. and next I'm getting a long sleeved shirt, I definately would get a hooded one.. not that i expect people to take my word for it.. its up to the band really, if they think it would be a worthwhile investment.. if they dont oh well we just have to stick to the non hooded shirts. Truth is I'm happy either way.
The Metal Chick said:I don't think the selling them at concerts thing will be helpful. At the concerts I've been to that sell hoodies, they're all like $50 or something, and who carries around that much cash to a show?? Buying it online though is different. I think if I got a SymX hoodie I would wear it constantly and my mom would have to pry it off me to wash it...hehe.