Messing with TSE X30/Metal Foundry

The intro's a bit too loud compared to the rest of the mix when it comes in. The bass sound is really good. Maybe try a bit of grind to link it with the guitars? The guitars sound slightly too harsh (but im listening on cheap headphones). Snare sound could be a bit beefier.

Playing is great and it's a fun song though!
Well, just please tell me what you think of this mix, hope you'll like it! Bass guitar was done with my Hellraiser C-1 through Ampeg SVX.

Clean guitars suck.

Feelin like orchestrations are a tad too loud, will fix that later.

I think the guitars overpower the mix a little bit. But I am a fan of the tone. Wish that plug was for mac.

The keys mid song also come in a little loud. I fee like if you can focus in a little bit more of the dynamics of this song it could be great.
Thanks a lot for the answers!
Yeah guitar tone could use a little bit less high, but I still can't find the right frequency to cut to get rid of this harshness. Any attempt left me with a muffled guitar tone, which I don't realy like.
I'm not quite sure what you mean about adding grind on the bass, more highs/treble?

Yeah piano and orchestrations as I said are a bit too loud, but I still can't find a way to make them sound clearer in the mix. I'll try to fix that out later.

And yeah I'll work on that snare too :)

Thanks a lot guys!