I just checked out the new Ataraxie, and I am a bit disappointed. It's more dissonant and drone-ish funeral doom than the last one. They seemed to have abandoned much of their melody in favor of droning dissonance.
Molested's Blod Draum album and Stormvold EP will be bundled and rereleased later this year on Ars Magna Recordings. Includes new artwork:

I got my copy of Dark Space III in the mail today. Everyone I know who has listened so far either thinks its their best or their worst, so we'll see what I think when I spin it.

If you want to buy the digipack, you'll have to try your luck on eBay, but a jewel case version will be out probably sometime this year and should be available from Avantgarde Music.
my first impression is that the new darkspace is way more enjoyable and trance inducing then the others. it seems like they totally got it right this time
Regarding remastering of the Molested reissue:

We're actually going to take a stab at it. Oystein had thought about it but doesn't have the time. I considered releasing it both ways, but that would be a little excessive. My plan is to see how it comes out and go from there. If anything, we'd probably just make it a little louder. I don't hear as well as I did back in the day. :lol:
i'm actually enjoying the new priest album. i never thought in a million years i would like it considering it's got 23 songs about a concept i find to be kinda tired. it's epic power metal!!!