Metal: A Headbanger's Journey


A fair judgement deserved
Jan 2, 2006
Guelph/Peterborough, Ontario
I just watched this movie the other night, and as a university student that is studying culture and music I found this movie quite interesting. As far as I know this is one of the only movies made around the culture of Metal and as a late comer to the metal scene myself I wanted to know what other metal heads thought of it. So, if you've seen it tell me what you think, if you haven't go and watch it!
The film and information is riddled with flaws and inconsistencies. Still though, its a good film, credit to Sam for doing what he did because for whats its worth, he did a great job.

I hope the next film is a better effort though, and the things he talks about are more in line with the way they actually are. Its not easy when the topic is so vast though.
Gonna pick this up on dvd when it comes out in a week or so. Apparently its got a documentary on Black Metal as one of the extras!
FUBAR said:
Gonna pick this up on dvd when it comes out in a week or so. Apparently its got a documentary on Black Metal as one of the extras!

Yeah thats why I want to buy it.

The new film should be interesting - he's going to look into how Metal is around the world.
I thought that this was an awesome movie. It dug the deepest out of any other documentary on the topic. I thought his break down my catagory was great. I will be spreading the word about this documentary. I love that it also showed the metal festivals that happen around the world...showing that the only place that metal faded from the forefront was the USA....due to RECORD COMPANY POLITICS AND CLEARCHANNEL dictation, telling radio stations what to play....

I would have loved to see a bit more on the underground bands from the dawn of metal - Witchfinder General, Obsession, Exciter, Exodus, Grim Reaper....
It definitely has replay value. The interviews are great (except with Mayhem, stupid dickheads) and many of the older video footage is a great trip down memory lane.

I actually felt really pumped after seeing it, makes you want to scream your favourite metal song on a crowded bus :)
I thought it was ok. Nothing ground breaking or anything that most metalheads wouldn't know. It was cool seeing inside Dio's house though, and the extended interviews on Disc 2, like Lemmy's.

I've seen the filmmaker at concerts in Vancouver a few times.
The Hubster said:
It definitely has replay value. The interviews are great (except with Mayhem, stupid dickheads) and many of the older video footage is a great trip down memory lane.

I actually felt really pumped after seeing it, makes you want to scream your favourite metal song on a crowded bus :)

ive yet to see the film. what did they mayhem guys say? (i can only imagine, haha).
NineFeetUnderground said:
ive yet to see the film. what did they mayhem guys say? (i can only imagine, haha).

Basically, they told the world to fuck off: "We're the best metal band and fuck you if you don't agree"...something like that.
Anyway, the highlight is the interview with Gaal from Gorgoroth.