Metal and Depression


Nov 19, 2001
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I noticed an article on last week, that claimed adolsecents that listen to metal were the most depressed and the most disturbed as compared to all other forms of music. Upon reflection, I somewhat agree, the few people I know that like metal, seemed to be a bit more depressed than most. So, is metal linked with depression? Are we all a bunch of prozac popping, disturbed individuals because we listen to metal? Is it the nature of the heavy music? Is it the music or the culture?
speed said:
I noticed an article on last week, that claimed adolsecents that listen to metal were the most depressed and the most disturbed as compared to all other forms of music. Upon reflection, I somewhat agree, the few people I know that like metal, seemed to be a bit more depressed than most. So, is metal linked with depression? Are we all a bunch of prozac popping, disturbed individuals because we listen to metal? Is it the nature of the heavy music? Is it the music or the culture?
No, no, friend. I think you/they are mistaking depression for extreme cynicism. All I know is that metal wakes me the fuck up and pumps me up, music is the only way I can justify facing the day sometimes, and if anything it helps me face and deal with depression, not drive me into it.

And anyone who takes drugs to alter their personality sucks, just my take on Prozac and the like.

Oh, and Speed, buy the Grimfist album, it is fucking great old school death/thrash/black metal, it absolutely crushes.
Actually, I like the depressed types better than the painfully cynical ones. Personally.

However, although I hate my life, school, people, and the government, I can safely say I'm not depressed. And I love Metal!!!! Blahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! \m/ \m/
I just think that it is the other way around. The disturbed individual can best relate to metal, since it deals with the darker side of nature/life.

Also, Metal doesnt feel the need to cover up the darker side of life, but instead recognizes it. Life isnt pristine, nor should it be. Society tries a great deal to cover up the harsher side of life...making the mainstream shocked when otherwise is presented to them. People need to realize that life isn't all about pimpin hoes, partying, and falling in love. Deal with it...both ends of the spectrum.
I have to agree with you there about people needing to accept the dark and unjust ways of life.I think it's funny how some people get brainwashed that their life is protected by the Creator.

Murphys Law is more appropriate to life.
i listened to radiohead the other day. after about 10 seconds, i started feeling like suicidal and VERY depressed. by the time the song was over, i was shaking.

but metal doesnt do anything to me
i guess they figure that when ppl who listen to metal say things like "i hate my life" or "i hate everything" means theyre depressed, when you can clearly see its not depression, its hatred, duh. ppl in this world need to wake the fuck up and realize theres no such thing as being normal, or normal behavior for that matter. most metal listeners mean exactly what comes out of their mouth anyhow.
I was depressed since my early teens, and I am still depressed as hell right now at 26. I don't think that metal makes you depressed; I think that some depressed people listen to metal because they can relate to it. I know that I cannot relate to upbeat shit like hip hop, pop, and popular rock.
Life Sucks said:
I was depressed since my early teens, and I am still depressed as hell right now at 26. I don't think that metal makes you depressed; I think that some depressed people listen to metal because they can relate to it. I know that I cannot relate to upbeat shit like hip hop, pop, and popular rock.
Same here
I believe Blabbermouth is right to some extent, however, they're probably looking at it the wrong way. I've been depressed quite often, however, I've always had a reason or reasons for it, and I enjoy metal partially because I can identify with the lyrics, but mostly because I love the music, so me being depressed at time and me listening to metal are only related to a small extent.

But was this just a pointless rant? Probably.
HELL NO! this is no better than blaming slayer, ozzy, and marylin manson for suicide, murder, and school shootings. its a load of shit. i know personally i am not depressed. and nearly all my other metal friends arent depressed. how can you even come to this conclusion? i dont think any sort of study could be truthfull, especially on a subject that is so iffy. we dont even know what causes depression. or if youre like me, you doubt the existance of depression and similar mental "diseases" all together!

this seems like a very bad stereo type based on bullshit
BloodStainedWalls said:
Also, Metal doesnt feel the need to cover up the darker side of life, but instead recognizes it. Life isnt pristine, nor should it be. Society tries a great deal to cover up the harsher side of life...making the mainstream shocked when otherwise is presented to them. People need to realize that life isn't all about pimpin hoes, partying, and falling in love. Deal with it...both ends of the spectrum.

You hit the nail on the head. I think this is why the media always trys to put down metal and keep people from listening to it, claiming it makes children into violent people, and that satanic cults listen to it.
It shouldn't be like that because metal gives you no high hopes or false expectations like pop and love music does,so there are no big letdowns when you face life.
hmmm..mostly alot of people that start off listening to metal their lives before were already depressing or something...i dunno but metal didnt make me depressed it helps me get over all the shit
Kill me n0w said:
hmmm..mostly alot of people that start off listening to metal their lives before were already depressing or something...i dunno but metal didnt make me depressed it helps me get over all the shit

It's the same way with me. The music I listen to now has helped me a hell of a lot with my depression for the past five years but it didn't cause it. As for genocide roach, you'd believe in these diseases exist if you'd ever lived with one. However, I'd imagine that the vast majority of the people surveyed were pathetic little mini-moshers who think they've got issues because the person they fancy doesn't want to go out with them or some people at school don't like them cos they wear black eye-liner. It's not a true representation.
I don't listen to depressing kinds of metal, because I am a happy person.:) I like agressive metal, brutal, symphonic, melodic metal, but not depressing. Hurray for happy music! :loco: