metal and faiths


New Metal Member
Jul 13, 2010
hi i begin listening metal 1 week ago.. i searched sanatism in metal music but i understood all groups arent satanic, some groups uses satanic things in only shows, metal music is not a satanic music..

i watched ‘metal: a headbangers journey’ and ‘global metal’ documentaries.. but i think metal music generally disagrees to faiths, religions..
you can say: listen only songs, dont care about their faiths.. yea, i dont care their religions but i interesting in their songs and lyrics..

as metallica.. everyone knows they are not satanic.. i must care about their faiths when im listening the god that failed.. lots of groups have so lyrics..

must metal music disagree all religions?

i said, i started to listening 1 week ago, maybe im not right.. i give important what i listen, so i decided to metal music fans..

and sorry for my english :)
your English is way better than any of the kids I teach. no worries.

To answer your question, no, metal music does not ALWAYS disagree with faith. There are metal musicians who are Christian, pagan, card-carrying members of the Church of Satan, and plenty who are agnostic or atheist. But you are right, it is rare to have religious metal. Some folks call it "white metal," the opposite of "black metal" which stemmed from anti-Christianity.
I'm mostly uninterested in religion... but I will say, for whatever reason, I have an easier time listening to someone talking about Satan than God. (IE, I'm more likely to dislike something with overly christian lyrics)
Metal has played a big role in my spiritual (or, more accurately, un-spiritual) development. Even as a very young child being raised with Catholicism, I felt that religion and the ideas of god, heaven, and hell were illogical and irrational. When I began listening to metal, the lyrics made me realize that I wasn't "possessed by the devil" or crazy, just a logical thinker. Metallica, especially, opened the door for me to become an atheist. As the op said, they are not satanic, but many of their songs question faith in god and are critical of organized religion.
James has said though that the lyrics for those songs came at a time when he was dealing with death in the family, etc., and he was questioning how a loving god could let various bad things happen.

He has since changed his stance and IIRC is now Catholic. lolirony.
I fucking hate God and faith and it has ZERO place in metal, because metal is manly, not like a fucking duckling on a farm w/ a cross on a top. Metal is masculine like Peter Steele's dead fucking cock.
I just reread my post...

Christian Slayer

...and thought about this guy.

James has said though that the lyrics for those songs came at a time when he was dealing with death in the family, etc., and he was questioning how a loving god could let various bad things happen.

He has since changed his stance and IIRC is now Catholic. lolirony.

Specifically it was about his mother. She was Christian Science which does not believe in modern medicine. She got cancer and refused treatment and withered away. The song is essentially how her faith and her god failed her. I don't think it can be logically construed to be a criticism of all religious beliefs, even all Christian beliefs.