Metal bands: desperate salesmen?

iPod Destroyer

New Metal Member
Nov 8, 2006
"This is the sickest, heaviest and most brutal album we have ever done!"

"This new album beats everything we have ever done before!"

King Diamond in particular is famous for acting like a desperate salesman every time he releases a new album. Every single one of his albums is somehow mysteriously better than the previous. The man simply keeps getting better and better, it is incredible. He has never recorded a bad album before, and neither has any other metal band, which keep getting better and better by each album they release. Kind Diamond himself and many other band leaders are better off packing their bags and becoming politicians or getting hired in the marketing departments of large corporations.
A band member or band releasing a press statement saying 'are new cd is bad boring and half asses, not as good as the previous, our worst album or these following bands are better, we're old and worn out' would not make any sense. Musicians or singers think they're really great no matter what. The only thing that can cause someone to think about if they're really good or bad would be others opinions regarding them. You have market your product in a positive manner and make it seem like it's better than other similiar products(whatever the product is).
Plus, if a band member honestly thinks that his new album is his best yet, good for him! If you don't agree with him that doesn't make him wrong.
A band member or band releasing a press statement saying 'are new cd is bad boring and half asses, not as good as the previous, our worst album or these following bands are better, we're old and worn out' would not make any sense. Musicians or singers think they're really great no matter what. The only thing that can cause someone to think about if they're really good or bad would be others opinions regarding them. You have market your product in a positive manner and make it seem like it's better than other similiar products(whatever the product is).

Makes sense. That is a good way to look at it.
I say you kind of have to think you're great to achieve your greatest in music. Or at least just totally lose all your inhibitions about playing "the right way." I noticed it was a lot easier for me to develop my guitar skills once I started thinking I was getting good at it... kinda gives you some motivation!
...after they buy the album they were so excited to buy because of the bands praising of their own material.

They can be very misleading. I have found that sometimes what the bands have said have not been very true at all.
If a band says "this album is pretty good, but not better than our others" you would be less inclined to buy it, even if the band knew it was true. Obviously they are trying to sell as many as possible so they say it is better than their previous ones.
Bands try to make their upcoming album better than the previous to at least show that they are putting their best effort into the release. It's a sign of low esteem if they don't slightly exaggerate the positive promotion of their album. It's not just a good marketing tactic, it helps the band strive to better themselves and keeps the metal scene from stagnating.
You know what I think? They should simply tell about the music, from a somewhat neutral standpoint. We dont care what the fuck you think about the album compared to the others, well decide that for ourselves. Tell us about the contents of the album.
Guys I think MM meant it elsewise. He didn't say there shouldn't be advertizing for a metal album, he said

There shouldn't be advertising on a metal album period.

He might have meant the little stickers you find on albums in record stores that might have messages like "Their Best Album Yet!" or something like that.