Metal Chicks

Well she's not my girlfriend only a friend of mine. I got her into a few metal bands she didn't know about like Darkane. We're going to Sounds Of The Underground and Unholy Alliance in July.
Yeah but you guys are in Texas. All I have to say about Seattle chicks is look at the Playboy Girls of the Pac 10 issue and compare the girls from the University of Washington to the girls from Arizona and California. Like night and day man. :waah:

Seriously though, there are some hot chicks here, they're just usually into rap or :Puke: , techno.
I once dated a very attractive girl who didn't like to listen to metal, but she LOVED going to metal shows because they gave her the opportunity to "injure strangers without consequence". She especially loved taking off her shoes and beating crowdsurfers to death. She got me thrown out of the Hammerstein Ballroom twice...needless to say, it didn't work out for very long :Shedevil: