†..Metal chicks..†


†Black Rose Immortal†
Nov 4, 2001
Hey Aussie metalheads..

New to this forum, so bare with me... :)

WOO.. So many faces to choose from!.. :spin:

Yes, anyway... :err:
Getting to the point of this thred...
Why is it that guys always complain that there are not enough chicks in metal, but as soon as there are girls in a metal band most guys turn their noses up? Being a chick; it annoys the shit out of me...

Can anyone explain?
No,i've never noticed that,the only ones i bitch about nitocris and kittie,and thats cos they have little talent and use the fact their females as a gimick. I really like Earth and Chalice and they have chicks in their ranks. Same with Psi Kore,Pod People and Arch Enemy. i'm all for it,as long as they have the talent and didn't get there by using non-musical attributes.
I wasn't referring to all guys, just some and I was trying to get an explination. :p
Alot of my big headed male friends are ignorant. One of them refused to come and see Chalice because Shiralee, the vocalist, is female. That's fucking annoying, and really rude!!

Also, is there a way I can change/update my profile at all?

Goreripper: I've actually heard that Ground Zero show i think it was label them as "chick metal." Thats why i said it, and the fact they are on the Thirteen compilation means alot more people beleive they are some form of metal. I spose I shouldn't judge em as crap after only hearing two songs, maybe one day i'll hear more,and stop jibbering on also.

Saphira:Your friend is a fool, Chalice are good. So is Shiralee.
Hey Jo :) *waves*

So, nobody knows how I can change my profile? Anyone? Please!?

Koichi, I know... It's sad really...! He will learn one day, even if I have to smack it into him.. ;)


Okay, I've been taught on how to change my info...
Thanks again Jo... *blows a kiss*
Originally posted by Koichi
Goreripper: I've actually heard that Ground Zero show i think it was label them as "chick metal." Thats why i said it, and the fact they are on the Thirteen compilation means alot more people beleive they are some form of metal. I spose I shouldn't judge em as crap after only hearing two songs, maybe one day i'll hear more,and stop jibbering on also.

Ground Zero wouldn't know metal if an anvil fell from the sky and killed them all. :grin:
The first Nitocris album 'Screaming Dolorous' is quite good, IMHO. The song they did on 'Thirteen' is crap, though. I agree. It probably doesn't matter now, since they split up last week. :cry:
Chicks in metal bands get the thumbs up from me. Arch Enemy, Within Temptation, After Forever, Amethyst, Enter Twilight etc - rock on.
Cute Sydo :)

... And Hatebringer? Your one sad, little kid... :lol:

And no, Hatebringer is not an imaginary friend,
Well, uhm... they seemed to have deleted his message... :p

i dont' know so much about chicks in metal bands....i've never had a problem with them...and some of my favourite girl friends are metal heads. Have u heard of Testament....3hours of power play them a bit....they have one song called female roar...play that for your friend and tell him to grow up :rock:
Maybe not a good song technically but i bet he couldn't do the vocals for it.
Oh and how do i put a thumbnail under my name?
Originally posted by Saphira
So, nobody knows how I can change my profile? Anyone? Please!?

Click on the "user cp" button at the top of the page. You can edit all of your account options there.

As for the chicks in metal bands, I dig it. Aghora is pretty much my favorite band, and there singer is a chick. I also love After Forever, Nightwish, Rain Fell Within, Therion, Fear of God, and even some Kittie songs :) Most of the guys I've talked to think it's cool that girls are becoming more common in metal. Hell, I prefer female vocals to male (most of the time at least). The guys you talk to must just be narrowminded bastards who don't want to learn about something they don't want to understand. Maybe they think it makes the music less evil or more mainstream or something. Or maybe they're just posers.
Yep, Jim, a couple of my guy friends must be all of the above...
Damn posers! HA..! Some friends and I have started a fucking heavy band, 3 females and a male... We'll show everyone just how heavy us chickies can go... RAAAAAAH!! GIRL POWER.. hell yea! :grin:

Nah, but you all have tah 'member me 'cuz Im gonna be a famous metal chick... you can all have backstage passes... YEAH.. PISS UP..! :lol:

Stay metal :rock:
