Metal genres you hate...

All metal spawned from Sabbath and therefore almost every single metal artist has its "primary element" embedded in doom, which itself emerged from blues.

It's impossible to dismiss an entire genre anyway.
All metal spawned from Sabbath and therefore almost every single metal artist has its "primary element" embedded in doom, which itself emerged from blues.
I agree that Sabbath are the godfathers of Metal. However, I'm referring to bands who are Doom Metal.

It's impossible to dismiss an entire genre anyway.
I'd agree with you, if I could find one Doom Metal band I enjoyed listening to.

Zod, have you checked out early Solitude Aeturnus albums? I cant see you not liking that.

I think you may be thinking more about the extreme side of doom, which really isnt doom metal at all.

But maybe Im wrong too. lol