Metal genres you hate...

Sorry, I don't agree with your logic that it is somehow less bad to hate group A since they don't get as sad by this, as group B. Also, hate is not the same as a desire to commit organized genocide. Even if someone would choose to label himself "NS" that does not necessarily mean that he supports the physical extermination of, say black people.
Yes, actually. It Does.

That is incorrect. Both the ancient romans and the young turks, with their armenian genocide after the first world war, tried.

The ancient Romans don't count. The Armenian Genocide, otoh, does bring up a good point. But that had less to do with Islam against Christian, than Turk against Armenian. It was a geographical issue. Tragedy in all ways, but not one based on religious differences
I like metal. As long as it's good. Most of it is rehashed junk and talentlessness masquerading as avant-garde atmospherics. There's no point in listening to anything other than the upper-echelon bands of their respective genres.........unless you have time and money to waste. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just that life is short.
I like metal. As long as it's good. Most of it is rehashed junk and talentlessness masquerading as avant-garde atmospherics. There's no point in listening to anything other than the upper-echelon bands of their respective genres.........unless you have time and money to waste. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just that life is short.

If life is so short when it comes to being obsessive compulsive about metal, then wouldn't you think all the hours you spend on a metal forum be worthless? Surely you're not here to read the "pick your favorite vegetable" threads?
Also, hate is not the same as a desire to commit organized genocide. Even if someone would choose to label himself "NS" that does not necessarily mean that he supports the physical extermination of, say black people.

spaffe -- you're sounding like Erik or Moose when it comes to glamourizing NS. :tickled: If you're a supporter of NS then chances are you're a supporter of nazis and deserve nothing more than a good kick in the teeth. Just because the NS folks may not support the real act of genocide -- let's face it, most white supremacists are complete inbred douchebags and too afraid to voice their opinions in a public "real life" setting -- it's not as if complete segregation, apartheid, and dismissal of civil liberties is anything to cheer about!!!

It's ok to separate the music from idealogy because that's what 'escapism' is IMO.
I can't think of a genre I hate anymore. I think a genre should be judged by the best bands it produces, not by the worst or the "average" ones.
spaffe -- you're sounding like Erik or Moose when it comes to glamourizing NS. :tickled: If you're a supporter of NS then chances are you're a supporter of nazis and deserve nothing more than a good kick in the teeth. Just because the NS folks may not support the real act of genocide -- let's face it, most white supremacists are complete inbred douchebags and too afraid to voice their opinions in a public "real life" setting -- it's not as if complete segregation, apartheid, and dismissal of civil liberties is anything to cheer about!!!

It's ok to separate the music from idealogy because that's what 'escapism' is IMO.

Hehe, I'm not sure if I perhaps should take that as a compliment ;)

Seriously though, the problem as I see it is that in many parts of the western world, and especially here in Sweden, "NS" and "nazi" have come to replace to old notions of "sin" and "evil". Instead of having a traditional christian system of morals, there's a moral system practically based on anti-nazism. Hence the whole nazi debate usually becomes quite bizarre since people don't bother to argue with "evil ones"; everything that has anything to with the uniformed men of the 30ies and 40ies is taboo and evil. A discussion is therefore almost impossible.

One should not forget that it serves the liberals and communits/socialists very well to have this ridicoulsy wide definition of NS to stigmatize their enemies with. Anyone who voices opinions for, say less immigration, vaguely nationalist sentiments or a dislike for both liberals and socialists, recieves the NS mark and people start looking for his hidden ram's horns and pointed tail.

Now, I guess I need to add that I don't support the sad street nazis nor the pathetic Hitler movment. But since I don't instinctivly, (like some Pavlov dog trained by the media) and without any afterthought dismisses every aspect of it, based spimly on the fact that it's NS (OMG! the evUL), I can't expect any understanding from most people. As it is today it's either black or white: either you renounce everything or you're a nazi.
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I certainly agree with you that the knee-jerk reaction against any slightly-NS argument to instantly discredit it without even addressing it is unquestionably ridiculous, but I also think that there can still be distinguished a value judgment between a group that hates another group based on a variable of human existence (religion, class, etc), than a group that hates another group based on a constant (race, gender).
-Most Doom (I dig much of the atmosphere, but I simply find myself struggling to get through even 1 whole cd without being bored to tears)
-The new wave of "Thrash/Death Core" or whatever you would call bands like The Haunted, Dimension Zero, etc. Dew Scented is practically the only band in this genre that still kicks my ass in every now and then.
-Monotone Death Metal without any type of groove or variation in the sound. When you can't distinguish one song from the next, what is the point?
- All Instrumental Metal. An instrumental inserted here and there can be quite cool, but no vocals period = no interest. Period.

I certainly agree with you that the knee-jerk reaction against any slightly-NS argument to instantly discredit it without even addressing it is unquestionably ridiculous, but I also think that there can still be distinguished a value judgment between a group that hates another group based on a variable of human existence (religion, class, etc), than a group that hates another group based on a constant (race, gender).

That's a very interesting question, and instinctivly I agree with you, but why is this so? That's what's interesting. The way I see it, from this we can conclude that it is worse to hate/dislike someone who has not made a concious choice, yes? And I think most people would agree with this. But in taking such a stance one completly disregards the active suject and his worth or stupidty, and places all focus on the object at the recieving end. Is this fair and right? I don't know... I'm just writing my thoughts in hope to gain some insight from someone's reply :)
they also made some pretty sweet cheese/cracker combinations!
