Metal Girlfriends, or not?


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2006
In Serbia, in Chachak
I was with my friend here and we came to an idea to ask you do you preffer girls that listen to metal, or you don't for her music interest!?
I myself preffer metal girls but here in Chachak in Serbia is very hard to find a girl that listens to metal and is worthy. But still I don't care if she is a metal girl while she is a great person and is pretty...:)
hmm..metal chicks for sure. i find it ezier to have common music interests(been with to many punk/emo ppl..) with someone cuz u dont have to worry about having to listen to bullshit music whenever one of you wants to turn on a cd or something. Its pretty hard to find a metal chick here in Buffalo though...i myself only know maybe...5 true metal chicks here. but there like my best buddies though...there the "i like to talk to you, but thats all" type, lol...grrrness, y do i have to be so nice? :\
Aye, preferably metal chicks. But I haven't even met one.. well, maybe one or two who listen to more softlike metal / nu-metal crap.. But even noone at my school is into metal (except some nu-metal people) as far as I know, but I'm prolly just looking in the wrong places, cause there defenitely are metal chicks here in Amsterdam. ;p
Surely a metal girl. Otherwise, as mentioned above, it's an insult of intelligence:)
Meh, as long as they can put up with my tastes that's all that matters. My gf isn't into the really brutal stuff like goratory and brodequin that i like, but she loves bloobath, opeth, dark funeral...shit like that. We get along great and she's hot as hell so i definately can't complain =)
Predator's Portrait said:

Did you have to convert her, or was she always a Metalist?

I don't know of any girls, Metal or otherwise, who can listen to Bloodbath without cringing. I guess that's the cut off point. Oh well, more Bloodbath for me. :)

She was not always Metal... but neither was I. We made the journey together, I suppose.

She's not quite gotten into Bloodbath yet, but most other stuff I listen to she enjoys.

So... you gonna come out of hiding or just sneak around on here to stalk me? :wave:
My girl isnt into metal but it isnt an issue at all. She isnt big on music to begin with so she doesnt have that much passion for it. Her interests lie else where.

I think id would have bigger bearing if she was passionate about music like i am. Besides she tolerates about 70% of my music and i tolerates about 0.7% of hers haha.

Metal chicks seem to have serious issues down here, which is probably why they got into metal to begin with. And they pretty much are always as ugly as i am (which is bad) so yeah haha. Maybe its just Australia, mind you the metal scene isnt big at all down here.

Ill stick to my Turkish design junkie girlfriend.
The ugly metal chicks are the posers that wear 100% too much eye makeup and look like they just woke up from a crack party at any time of the day. They're not real metal chicks, they're just trying to find an identity. They have all the shirts, draw the symbols of bands everywhere, go to the shows but dont listen to half the good music they pretend to. From my experience, real metal chicks are usually regular looking gals that like metal for the music, not the image.
...I know a few metal chicks and they use boots and metal t-shirts... They don't fit with your description, not all the girls are like that, my friends are really nice (and they are really hot!!!!)... I prefer metal chicks... (Yeah girls, I love you all swedish headbangers... that's for my friends :))
Skullzz said:
She was not always Metal... but neither was I. We made the journey together, I suppose.

She's not quite gotten into Bloodbath yet, but most other stuff I listen to she enjoys.

So... you gonna come out of hiding or just sneak around on here to stalk me? :wave:

Friday ------------------------------------------>
This thread is based on the assumption that we are all straight?

I propose a new thread "Metal Boyfriends, or not?"

Persaonally...any cock all do!!!! Ha ha aha