Metal Gods tour not happening with SyX

Just adds flavour to the bill, and I'd like to see as many bands as possible that appeal to me on one ticket. I'll see them again if they headline, but the more bands they get for gods of metal, the longer it will be. With 7 already confirmed, even at only 30 mins for some openers that's at least 6 hours not including the headlining/extended set times that bands such as immortal and testament will receive. Too bad, but you better get your asses back to montreal soon then to make up for this "deception." :rock:
I was stoked when I Heard they were on that tour because I figured at least they would come through phoenix since Halford lives here. I guess I will never get a chance to see them.
Russ mentioned something about returning in the fall at the lamour show. Hey I would rather see a headline tour maybe showcasing the title track of their new disc, but wouldn't the ezxposure of the metal gods tour bring them a bigger fan base therefore more money for bigger venues to play, more units moved and so on. Then do a headline tour and shred those new fans out of their death metal daze.
I would personally rather see them headline too.. means you get more time for SMYX to play, more enjoyment for the fans, I would rather they not even have an opening band but I know that would probably not happen, but I can still dream, huh? lol. Think about a night of 2-3 hrs show of just SYMX,, now that would be awesome!!!!
Lady of the Oracle said:
True, Kyra..not to mention that the odds are quite good that this way they'll be back as headliners, as compared to being openers on the metal gods thing..which would you prefer? Seems a pretty obvious choice to me..

I don't think it's an obvious choice at all. Choosing between playing to 500 of "your" fans for a headlining gig or playing to potentially 3-4,000 people a night in a diverse metal lineup (as is often the case in Europe and abroad) seems like a no-brainer to me as well. Only I would choose the larger tour & lineup.

Agreed with everyone who feels metal suffers for exactly this reason. No new fans for any styles. Everyone just stick with what they're comfortable with until the entire scene stagnates and dies.
And in the meantime, people bitch and moan that they only play for half an hour on such tours as the metal gods thing. The bottom line is, the band simply can't please everyone, so they do what's going to be most beneficial for them in the long run. Often this involves issues that remain behind the scenes, so let's not judge them without knowing the whole story.

To address the *make more money on a big tour so they can go out on their own tour* comment, they don't actually come out ahead financially on tours where they are openers, simple as that, so unfortunately, that idea isn't feasible.
Make no mistake about it, I'm not "judging them" by any stretch of the imagination. I in fact spoke to them at length this past Friday night about exactly this sort of touring idea, and don't hold their decisions against them in any way, shape or form.

I was more commenting on the general close-mindedness of 95% of "metal" fans.
I hear ya on that..there's way too much snobbery going on regarding different styles of metal (and especially amongst the progmetal crowd, who seem to think that they are superior because the music they love is more involved/technical/intricate/whatever than other metal/other music in general). If folks would give different stuff a chance, they might be pleasantly surprised!

And I didn't mean to appear that I was aiming the *judging* comment directly at you, markgugs; it was intended as more of a response to all of the complaints about the band skipping the tour, without people knowing all the reasons why. :)
I don't really think metal fans are *that* closed minded. Some of them are, yes. But I don't think the scene is going to die because we all don't like everything. Just because something is metal doesn't mean all "metal fans" have to run out and support it. I guess it would be nice for all metal bands if all of us liked everything, but we just don't. We all have different tastes, and it's ok.

I wouldn't mind it at all if Symphony X played a few European style festivals that had all sorts of different types of metal. But when it comes to an entire tour, I think it's important for a band who has 6 albums and so much wonderful music to make an attempt to headline and play a decent length set for their fans. If they chose to do this metal gods tour I wouldn't complain about it, because it would be what they felt was best for the band, and in the long run what's best for the band is probably best for me as a fan. But I certainly prefer to see them headline.
Here's a quote from Halford's manager:

"I'll quickly confirm that "Symphony X" did ask off of the tour yesterday. They have cited work in Europe and forthcoming writing sessions as being the cause for their departure."
I'd rather see them do a full headlining set than get booed off the stage night after night by all the black and death fans that think any metal that isnt black and death is "gay." If SyX is going to support a band on tour and *gain new fans in the process*, they gotta stick to bands who they share a common audience with, and for the Blind Guardian and upcoming Stratovarius tours they did just that (I've not met a single BG fan who didn't think SyX completely kicked ass, save for maybe one or two that I've seen on the BG forum, as opposed to here where everyone seems to hate BG, cept for a small handful).
markgugs said:
I don't think it's an obvious choice at all. Choosing between playing to 500 of "your" fans for a headlining gig or playing to potentially 3-4,000 people a night in a diverse metal lineup (as is often the case in Europe and abroad) seems like a no-brainer to me as well. Only I would choose the larger tour & lineup.

I would definitely prefer seeing them in a smaller venue/crowd. With the smaller crowd I have the chance to be right up in front of the band, while at a venue with 4000 people, I probably won't get to be that close.
Yngvai X said:
I'd rather see them do a full headlining set than get booed off the stage night after night by all the black and death fans that think any metal that isnt black and death is "gay." If SyX is going to support a band on tour and *gain new fans in the process*, they gotta stick to bands who they share a common audience with, and for the Blind Guardian and upcoming Stratovarius tours they did just that (I've not met a single BG fan who didn't think SyX completely kicked ass, save for maybe one or two that I've seen on the BG forum, as opposed to here where everyone seems to hate BG, cept for a small handful).

I really don't share that view, I don't think SyX would give a shit what a bunch of death metal morons (don't get me wrong, i'm a death metal fan myself) have to say about them. The metal gods tour has that backlash, but it's actually more beneficial than prejudicial. They have to take their chances if they want to get bigger in the metal world. Anyway, I understand the reasons the band gave for not going to the tour.
Like I said before I would much rather see them headline as a fan to see them play a full set. Ive seen them 4 times now. The last being the 14th at lamour, and it was the best they ever sounded. The other times I saw them I feel they wern't treated right by the venue or the fans. The fans being the 30 or 40 who showed up at their headling gig in their home state of New Jersey on sept. 9 2001. Financially, the Metal god's tour wouldn't make the band a dime, but I figured with the exposure, especially to the Halford fan's(priest) fans and testament fans would in the long run expose them to fans and music industry who don't know they exist. Maybe im thinking to music business like and should be grateful the band care about their own fans, and would rather get back to the studio then overwork themselves on the road. I am gratefull for that so I will shut up now.
I can't stand this anymore!! Why is it that the same people that claim that they are symx fans are the same people that continually bitch and complain about what they do or do not do????
SELFISH???? I don't think so! They have been the most unselfish group of guys I have ever had the chance to meet! And whats so wrong w/looking out for what they believe is best for thier band? They know what they need or do not need to do, not us! And it seems thier choices have been pretty good to me. They have put out GREAT cd's and thier live shows are awesome, very tight performances.. Don't get so upset at THEM just because they don't feel right about doin' a certain tour, just enjoy what you can of them.