Metal Presentation

Yeah I was thinking of playing Stabwound before I thought of Nile. So do you think I should play some Necro and Nile or just one?
not everyone is impressed by a solo though. I mean why shouldn't a death metal band, or avril lavinge be able to do that?

more likely most people have no idea how it sounds than how much talent it takes.
oooh, how about before a Death Metal track you play 10 seconds of that ignorant pig grunting 'brutal death' genre so they can appreciate it's not all that retarded.
oooh, how about before a Death Metal track you play 10 seconds of that ignorant pig grunting 'brutal death' genre so they can appreciate it's not all that retarded.

:lol: I'm glad I am not the only one who thinks brutal death sucks balls

although suffocation and deeds of flesh are both excellent DM bands

edit: deeds of flesh is actually one of my fave death metal bands nowadays. Very brutal, very good riffs, VERY Good range by the vocalist/vocalists, one of the very few good Brutal DM bands
Well Nile is usually classified as Brutal or Technical Death Metal, and I could agree on that.

yea, Technical Death is all they sound like to me.

you do realize YOU'RE the completely moronic and ignorant one by saying that brutal death metal is "ignorant." WTF?

I didn't say it (the genre) was ignorant, I called the vocals ignorant pig grunting. ignorant of melody if not good taste.