Metal = Romanticism?

The reviews I have read by SoG (The Red in the Sky is Ours and Far Away From the Sun in particular) are genuinely well thought out pieces I find. The style is markedly different from the extreme run on sentences and right click synonym wanking I have seen from most ANUS reviews. Credit is at least deserved to SoG for being a quality writer, methinks.
Cool, I didn't really know that as I am rather ignorant of the situation there.

SOG: Thanks for the surprisingly astute write-up. Much appreciated.
In a sense, ANUS may be a victim of its own success...

1. Everyone who spends any time on the internet reading about metal has come across the ANUS album reviews (where the style is definitely tongue-in-cheek) and the 'editorials,' which are entirely serious and use a serious literary tone. I think people make the assumption that the seriousness of the editorial tone implies a seriousness of tone in the reviews, but they're separate entities with separate ends and means. If you look at much of what the rest of the material on the site (especially under the 'etc.' heading), I think you'll find that there is a heavy slant towards humor.

2. ANUS has, over the years, attracted a lot of humorless assholes to the fold, so I think there is a tendency to view the site through the lens of interactions with ANUS partisans on message forums and in chat rooms.
I agree here with SOG's second point wholeheartedly. It is the bloated types like born for banning, oscar the cat and a couple of other generic low-life cunts who lurk on the ANUS forums that make the place so unwelcome.

Although I must say, SOG himself has frequently exhibited such behavior on these boards as well, for seemingly no reason. Other than to mock others and make himself feel better in the process, I suppose, but doesn't this get a little tiring after so many years? Yes, we all act this way at times, but why set ridiculing others as the primary goal of intraweb posting is something I'll never be able to understand. It's neither educational, nor constructive, nor anything of that nature; it's just plain stupid and irritating. Sometimes, amusing at best.
I may be an asshole, but I'm hardly a humorless one. It's a major reason why I am tolerated to a degree that some ANUS types are not.
dont worry falco you always made me laugh. total asshole though. i remember that divine_intent guy who used to follow up your posts with shit like "exactly, you jews just don't get it", those were good times

demiurge is even funnier, my god what a genius, wish he still posted here

born for banning is one of the most retarded dipshits on the internet
Like gangster rap, black metal drew a great deal of its charisma from its claims of countercultural authenticity, a realness defined not by criminal boasts and urban play-by-plays but by an ultimately spiritual fidelity to misanthropy and infernal nihilism—an uncompromising (if easily parodied) Satanic sensibility salted with occasional bursts of violence, obscenity, and tabloid controversy. But as the genre grew in popularity, an interesting mythological transformation occurred. Classic bands like Ulver, Windir, and Enslaved left the Christian devil aside to reach for an older, pagan stratum of Norse and heathen lore (”Viking metal” is now its own subgenre). In their quest to express the atmosphere of awe and gloom that permeates these ancient ways, black-metal acts began extending and deepening their use of melodies, both folkloric and epic. What emerged was a powerful dark-side Romanticism, perhaps the most unalloyed descendent of old-school Sturm und Drang that we have.

It's nice to see someone taking popular music seriously. I think I like any movement that combines Romanticism with an aversion to the Nanny State, and the selfish fatuousness of most people, rich or poor.

i honestly didn't understand any of that. i mean honestly, WTF is a WTFing NAnny State?

scourge of god said:
If the ANUS has a weakness, it is a tendency to overestimate the sophistication of most readers. Classic case in point: the use of heavily stylized satire in unexpected places (album reviews). It should have been obvious years ago that the DLA reviews are a deliberate dig at American academic prose, yet no discussion of the site passes without someone indignantly heaping scorn on the 'pretentious' style, which is to say, announcing that they just don't get the joke.

oh yeah, ANUS doesnt really tell you anything about the music in the reviews. a point system would help. Again, Grandiose Assholes. And not to mention that they put Sodom on thier list of most influencial death metal bands, and that discredits a lot of what those grandiose assholes have to say, in my eyes.
Scourge of God's over-the-top assholishness always gets a laugh out of me. I think he and Demiurge are two of the more promising characters to be associated with

It seems to me that most of the people who complain the loudest about are complete morons with little to no intellectual curiosity. Even if is wrong about a lot of things at least the site stirs things up and tries to get past the whole "badass riffs, dude" mentality in metal.
i tolerate ANUS until it gets in the way. like when i was on and i searched for Death Meatl List, and i got 'the 50 greatest Death Metal Albums: As choosen By', and freaking Massacra was at the top. dont get me wrong, i like Massacra, but they never made the best anything. And the reviews e had on that site werent as annoying.
i tolerate ANUS until it gets in the way. like when i was on and i searched for Death Meatl List, and i got 'the 50 greatest Death Metal Albums: As choosen By', and freaking Massacra was at the top. dont get me wrong, i like Massacra, but they never made the best anything. And the reviews e had on that site werent as annoying.

The "best ever" tag is misleading. Those lists are comprised of albums that they consider to have had a major influence on the development of BM/DM respectively. They are certainly not the BEST EVER.
Some of their choices are dubious and I don't even like half of the albums on either list, but meh. I agree with you about Massacra not being influential, don't like them either, though.
Also, I think, Demilich made the list at a point when they were in complete obscurity.

DarkBliss, your taste angers me, because you love a lot of the same stuff that I love, but you shit on a lot of stuff that I love as well.
Yeah, sometimes Darkbliss pisses me off. One minute I'll be thinking "this guy has great taste" and then he goes and dislikes completely awesome stuff. What a mysterious fellow.