Metal = Romanticism?

It's both.

Their methods though are what are most easily laughed at, seriously. Their message... kinda just pisses me off.

I mean look at this review of "Hell Awaits"

Who writes like that??? And did he seriously call a chord "nihilistic"??? I'm sure Araya turned to King and said, "Dude play a nihilistic phrase that evolves into a self-specialized compositional space" :D

These kids need to get out of their parents' basements.

And this "commentary" on their hosting of mp3s:


HAHAHA! :lol: :puke: I really fucking needed that. I don't even know half of what he's saying & it's not worth it to me to decipher it. I can barely tell if he's praising it or pointing out it's problems. Why in the fuck would someone want to write like that on the internets?

I personally have never went to anus to read their reviews. I don't know shit about the site. I do find it rather odd that some folks here seem to know so much about the site yet they fucking hate it. I guess it entertainment, huh folks? I tend to stay away from shit I don't like, but maybe there are different motives to go there?
Even if is wrong about a lot of things at least the site stirs things up and tries to get past the whole "badass riffs, dude" mentality in metal.

The question is: is this a good thing?

Chatting about bands and recommending bands is cool, discussing heavy metal as a philosophy... meeeeeh.
What's hard for most people to see is that, from an objective sense, (extreme) metal is the most interesting thing to happen to music in the last 25 or so years. Easily. Yet, in the academic community, no one at all recognizes this to the slightest. ANUS, through their emulation of academic writing, is the closest thing to it.

DarkBliss, your taste angers me, because you love a lot of the same stuff that I love, but you shit on a lot of stuff that I love as well.

Well, I probably shouldn't have said half of the list with regards to BM though.
What I actually meant is that a lot of the really good stuff is what didn't make the lists and I'm glad that I didn't take their word for "best ever"a and dug deeper into their database because that's where the real gems are, imo.:)
As much as I would have loved to find real worth in stuff like Obituary, Mayhem or Morpheus Descends, for instance, I just find that they're too rudimentary and are nothing special at all. I guess, in order to appreciate some of this stuff, one had to be involved with metal at the time when these bands were breaking new ground, or at least having paved his way into extreme metal with them, but I didn't.So it just sounds dated to me. At least I tried.

About Demilich: how could they have been considered influential if they were an obscure band at the time when they were discovered. I surely have never read about any band citing them as an influence. They were simply unique music-wise, but so are most of the bands on DLA.

Obviously, those lists are somewhat dated, because they were cast in stone a long time ago.
I tend to stay away from shit I don't like, but maybe there are different motives to go there?
They promote a lot of good and often unique bands,especially for those interested in old-school BM and DM.
Much of that stuff gets mentioned here often as well, so unless you want to read their reviews or interact with the locals, there's no reason to go there.
hey, how about we UMers organize an invasion of the ANUSers.

I believe a video game forum did something just like that over at

I post over at a guitar forum that has people who do that kind of shit a lot. There's always fuckers making new screen-names & starting shit over there. There's even this one piece of shit cock sucker with a Bart Simpson avatar who keeps coming back after getting banned. His post count keeps starting over & he even keeps the same screen-name. I have no idea how he does it, but I'm positive he hacks the system somehow & just comes on to talk shit, even under a few other screen-names too I believe.

They promote a lot of good and often unique bands,especially for those interested in old-school BM and DM.
Much of that stuff gets mentioned here often as well, so unless you want to read their reviews or interact with the locals, there's no reason to go there.

Anyways, I hear a shit load of names dropped over here so if I ever need new metal I can just look here. I've taken a couple of recs from here so far & nothing turned out to be too bad. I do kind of need some good Prog Metal though & I never hear that being talked about here, but this forum is more bent on extreme genres. Shit, I just realized I never hear much about Power Metal here either. I'm not really super big on it, but you have to go into the band forums for that I see.
I mean look at this review of "Hell Awaits"

Who writes like that??? And did he seriously call a chord "nihilistic"??? I'm sure Araya turned to King and said, "Dude play a nihilistic phrase that evolves into a self-specialized compositional space"

Well, just because Slayer didn't analyze their own art that deeply doesn't necessarily make it pointless for anyone else to. That applies to any artist. Yes it's very likely that the band didn't exactly have "self-specialized compositional space" in mind when writing, but that doesn't nullify ANUS' analysis as "looking for what's not there" if THEY see it there. The listener's interpretation is just as important as the artist's original intent.

I've never visited ANUS regularly at any point, but TBH, the material I've read there over the the years really didn't strike me as being all that unusual aside from the over-the-top style of prose. The reviews might come off as overly sensationalist and prone to some tongue-in-cheek hyperbole, but that doesn't really make them unique. A lot of good writers use techniques like that to better illustrate what they take away from something.
ShredHead: is another good place to discover bands of any genre. It has a nice community too.
There are a lot of quality lists to be found that were compiled by knowledgeable folks.