Metal Skool songs...

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
I know a while ago I was tellin' ya all about how funny the Metal Skool original songs are, so while I'm in a Metal Skool mood after seeing them, I thought I'd post the link to their myspace - - because you can hear Stripper Girl & Big Boobs on there, both great songs off their EP, plus it also has a newer song they did for a Metal Sludge compilation called Death To All But Metal which is hilarious!!! "Death to Britney Spears, kill that fuckin' slut, kill Madonna too then fuck her in the butt" haha great lyric writing!!!

"Fuck the Goo Goo Dolls, the can suck my balls, they look like the dorks who hang out at the malls"
I have it. I could watch it now if I felt like it, but I'm watching Veronica Mars instead.
