Metal that takes you back...


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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With the springtime here and summer close at hand I like to spend time just remembering all the things I did with friends as a kid on up to adulthood. It just seems like spring and summer held the best times of all. Learning to ride a bike, skateboarding, holding hands with a girl for the first time, and getting grounded, smoking cigarettes at the mall hoping your mom wouldn't smell it on you when you got home and all that stuff. Good times. SO WHAT ALBUM TAKES YOU BACK IN TIME AND BRINGS BACK THE MOST SUM SUM SUMMERTIME MEMORIES FOR YOU?!?!?!? MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER AND WHY?!?!?! After much thought, here's mine....


It's not even my favorite Crue album by any means, but when it came out I was at the crossroads! All of my friends had cars and we were finally able to drive to school (and give girls rides home!) instead of taking the bus. So many songs on there were sung late at night cruising by all of us...there's nothing better than driving around with your best buds cruising the town and singing as loud as possible to one another. I dunno why. It just rules. Especially when you're 18 and you just scored a case of Bud with or without fake i.d. haha

Those days are gone now...and I am married with a child and haven't even touched a beer in about a year is full of other stuff...but whenever I hear "Same Old Situation" I'll always be behind the wheel of my 87 Blazer with a Marlboro red and bootie in mind...if only for 5 or 6 minutes.

So let's hear your stories and don't puss out and just say an album name...GIMME A STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU LOVE IT AND WHY DOES IT BRING BACK MEMORIES?!?!?
I was walking down a busy street here in sf. with my mom, on a very very sunny day.
despite being a beaner community, there were some metalheads with a black tapeplayer on some steps, I think it was slayer, it could have been sod, anyway, I had just finished watching the transformers and smurfs and whatever else (I was about 3 or 4)and it was a nice day, we were going to some boring linen store, but it felt good, on the way back I really got into the music, and there is thebeginning of the saYer's metalhead life.
Good thread Ted.

I view my life as a music timeline.... what style of music I was into when this happened.... what was playing in the background when that happened. Every album I bought up until about 1995 has a story to go with it in my memory.

One great summer album for me was Warrior Soul's "Last Decade, Dead Century". The end of the semester at college and a HUGE party at a cabin in the middle of nowhere. We were all just starting to get into that album and we must have played it a thousand time that weekend, cranking it so loud that people used it as a way to find their way up to the cabin from the main road! :lol:

Or how about the summer of 1985 when I got my first Sony Walkman and all summer I was blasting 3 cassettes while mowing lawns. They were: Keel - The Right To Rock, Black N Blue - Black N Blue, and Accept - Metal Heart. By the end of the summer those tapes were dead!! :lol:
Well I have great memories of listening to 5150, Joe Stariani's Surfing With The Alien, Also Satch's Summer Song & Friends from the Extremeist...
Metal though?
Let's see...
Turbo the entire record...
I think most of my memorable
moments have been listening to Hard Rock
in the Summertime with my "boys."
I have great memories of the time I discovered Metal, you know when everything was new to you, when you didn't care about labels, genres, musicians, etc.

When we basically just pleased our ears with great music, when we discovered all the classic bands one after the other, when we were amazed by how awesome this "new" music was, that was kinda a time of innocence... and sometimes I miss that period.

aaah fuck it, getting nostalgic once again ;)
For me its Motley Crue Girls girls girls,Metallica Master of Puppets, and the Ultimate one is Guns and Roses Appitite for destruction, there was always and still is something about Appitite even to this day I can Listen to it and it Takes me back to when I was 13 and just hearing it for the first time .... Just a classic Album..... HA I lost track of what I was saying..... Shit!
None. My country does not have a proper summer only rainy season and dry season, so this summer concept is kind of weird to me :p (and winter is dreadful).
I would name one, but there is no real one band or release:

AC/DC - "Back in Black" may be hard rock, but to this day it is "metal enough for me" and was my first experience with something that heavy.

Dio - "The Last in Line" Though Rainbow in the Dark from HD was the first song I heard by Dio, TLiL was my first album. My friends were busy with Ratt, Quiet Riot etc.

Accept - "Metal Heart" This band made me want to be a guitar player. I have never been one of those people that worshipped bands or players and though I enjoy meeting bands and musicians, I have rarely felt intimidated by them. If I ever met Wolf Hoffmann in person I seriously doubt I could assemble a sentence. He was and still is my one "Metal God." The band still kicks my ass after 20 years of listening to them, when most other stuff that old sounds "dated" to me.

Metallica - "Master of Puppets" I absolutely could not beieve the rythms and drums by this band. You could have stuck a watermelon in my mouth when I first heard this band. They scared me.

Yngwie - "Rising Force" I bought this album in 1984, hated it and picked it up a few years later and loved it. Though I like Wolf better than Yngwie, this guy was just "too fucking good." That son of a bitch has bionic fingers or something. Though he is boring and has lacked the ability to evolve, on a pure technical level, I think he is still the best out there twenty one years after his solo debut. Like him or not, Yngwie is a guitar monster.

Vanden Plas. "The God Thing" No matter how much you love music, it loses just a little bit of magic as you grow older. In my case it didn't lose a whole hell of a lot, but it was recognizable. Along came Vanden Plas by pure dumb luck, as I was showing a friend an mp3 newgroup and showing him how to download files when I stumbled upon their name, thought it was cool and used three of their songs simply as an instruction for downloading files from newsgroups. This band wasn't as heavy as most of the bands I was listening to, but they had this "something" that immediately clicked.

wierd,but its nevermind by nirvana for me,i remember the summer after it came out,or when it be honest though,its as much the memories of my first serious girlfriend naked in the sun with that playing-so was it her or the music...hmmm.tricky.

when i was really young(no fuckin jokes ok!)i remember hearing part of queens news of thw world album and thinking it was really cool.that was round my bloody parents loved barbera striesand and julio fuckin eglasias.i wish they had good taste like my unc did!
Fangface said:
I have great memories of the time I discovered Metal, you know when everything was new to you, when you didn't care about labels, genres, musicians, etc.

When we basically just pleased our ears with great music, when we discovered all the classic bands one after the other, when we were amazed by how awesome this "new" music was, that was kinda a time of innocence... and sometimes I miss that period.

aaah fuck it, getting nostalgic once again ;)
I know EXACTLY how you feel Fang. I feel the same way and often sometimes wish I could go back in time when things seemed to be simpler, Metal was simply Heavy Metal and there weren´t trillions of different sub genres. It was new discovery after new discover and it was very exciting.

As for the original topic of this thread, the albums that get me most in a nostalgic mood thinking of the times laying in the bed of my truck with a six pack of whine coolers on the beach is Ride The Lightning, The New Order, Souls Of Black, Years Of Decay, Feel The Fire, Show No Mercy... ahhhh, those were the times.
Van Halen-the entire 1984 album
I bought this album while on vacation in Hawaii a couple years ago, and everytime I walked around the city, along the beach, i would have this album with me, listening to it from beginning to end. So, whenever I hear any song from it, it takes me right to Hawaii, and looking at all those hot Hawaiian women. :)

Eric Johnson-"Cliffs Of Dover"
This is the very first rock song I ever heard.It was back when i was 6. Sure, a year later, i got into rap, but later on...about 4 years later, I heard this song on the radio again, and helped me get into rock. So i owe this song alot, it made me who i am, in a way. Whenever i hear this song, it always brings me back to Denver, Colorado in the summer of 1991, in my father's old black Ford Ranger, messing with the radio dial, and stumbling on that song.
Funny.... I can't really remember music moving that much during my high school years. But I do remember as a child sitting on our back porch eating homemade raspberry ice cream and hearing stuff on the AM radio, and knowing, even at that age that music was an intregal part of my life. I remember some of these songs from my childhood...

Thunder Island by Jay Ferguson
My Sharona by The Knack
Surrender by Cheap Trick
How You Gonna See Me Now by Alice Cooper

I think the reason that music didn't really impact me during my high school years is because I was already becoming a "part" of the scene... growing up around Wrathchild America, Kix, Dave Blackshire (the drummer for Roxx Gang), and Tumor (the bass player from Snot).... it was more fast paced and din't have time sink into my "being". Punk music was just breaking nationwide across the US, and we were all discovering that also.

I can remember going to a Circle Jerks show when my hair was half way to my ass, and being scared to freakin' death because everybody in the house had skins and mohawks. Tumor and I were the only two guys there with long hair.... and keep in mind that this was a few years before the "crossover", so metalheads didn't listen to punk, and punks didn't listen to metal. Luckily we were also with our skinhead friend who weighed in about about 300 pounds. So most people just nodded at us and kept moving. So I guess that maybe "Killing For Jesus" by the Circle Jerks may bring back a few memories.

I do also remember Aerosmith's "Draw The Line" album being a big deal for me... not sure why, but it just seemed to connect with me. Funny... I just can't think of anything from the high school years that was really that impactive (other than punk music as a whole scene). Everything was either as a younger child, or into my early adult life that really seemed to make a difference to me.
Greeno said:
One great summer album for me was Warrior Soul's "Last Decade, Dead Century". The end of the semester at college and a HUGE party at a cabin in the middle of nowhere. We were all just starting to get into that album and we must have played it a thousand time that weekend, cranking it so loud that people used it as a way to find their way up to the cabin from the main road! :lol:

I remember going up to see you at school that weekend... it was insane!!! All these people were asking me if I was the guy from Kiddie Porn, and people were sitting around playing KP songs on acoustic guitars. I just remember thinking to myself "What the freak is going on up here in these hills?" .... and then your band had to ask me up to do 4 or 5 Kiddie Porn songs.... which was ridiculous, since I didn't remember any of them at that point.LOL.

Was this also the same year as the "infamous tape case"? Just curious... you know how I am with time frames and keepsakes and what not.
plan13 said:
I remember going up to see you at school that weekend... it was insane!!! All these people were asking me if I was the guy from Kiddie Porn, and people were sitting around playing KP songs on acoustic guitars. I just remember thinking to myself "What the freak is going on up here in these hills?" .... and then your band had to ask me up to do 4 or 5 Kiddie Porn songs.... which was ridiculous, since I didn't remember any of them at that point.LOL.

Was this also the same year as the "infamous tape case"? Just curious... you know how I am with time frames and keepsakes and what not.

For the rest of the board memebers-- Kiddie Porn was a side project of Shannon Larkin and Jay Abbene from Wrathchild. They recorded some of the best punk songs ever put to tape! Plan13 was involved in the band at the begining and helped to write some of those twisted ass songs. :) I turned all of my college friends onto them and the band I was in covered almost all of their songs. We would even have acoustic singalongs. :D

Plan13-- we've mentioned KP a couple times on here now, you should post some mp3 for these wonderful people to hear them. :)

That was maybe a year or 2 after the "infamous tape case". (Sorry everyone else, just some ramblings of some old friends)