Metal videos around 1983/84

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Watching "All Hell's Breakin' Loose" on Kiss Exposed tonight I noticed just how similar it is to Motley Crue's videos off Shout At The Devil , "Looks That Kill" and especially "Too Young To Fall In Love"!

Then I realised there seems to a theme in lots of other hard rock & metal videos around that time! They seem to have the band kind of as a "gang" of tough guys hahaha!

Those 3 videos I mentioned do... and Looks That Kill and All Hell's Breakin Loose are also both set in apocalyptic post-nuclear type settings... Lick It Up is also in a similar setting and starts with the band walking in like a gang...

Ratt's video for "Wanted Man" in 1984 has the 5 of them walking into a western town like a gang of outlaws...

Twisted Sister's videos for "You Can't Stop Rock & Roll", "I Wanna Rock" and "We're Not Gonna Take It" all have the band as a gang who are running from the Taste Squad in the "You Can't Stop.." and standing up against the dad and teacher in the other 2...

That was really a golden era for metal in terms of bands having a really unified image and great spirit in their videos I think. W.A.S.P.'s clips around the same era were similar as well.

I also noticed though that around the mid '80s, Kiss seemed to borrow a bit from Crue! "All Hell's Breakin' Loose" is clearly influenced by the 2 Shout At The Devil videos... and Kiss Exposed (1987) is very similar in its home video style as Motley Crue Uncensored (1986) where they set up funny scenarios where the band is meant to be shown living the wild rock star life but over the top.

Just thought I'd share all that :D :lol:

That waitress by the pool in the French maid outfit is damn hot too hehe.
I watch the Lick It Up vid, and I just cannot picture that shemale as part of a 'gang'. :lol: What a pussy.
From Blabbermouth:

SKID ROW Frontman Recounts Sharing Men's Room With KISS' PAUL STANLEY - Dec. 20, 2002

A brand new interview with SKID ROW frontman Johnny Solinger has been posted online via the group's official web site at this location.

When asked by the interviewer for the "funniest story" he's ever told, Solinger recounted an experience from the band's tour with KISS in 2000 in which he happened to find himself sharing a men's room with KISS frontman Paul Stanley.

"[While on tour with KISS] in Denver, Colorado. I had just gotten off stage and had to use the men's room," he said. "I'm at the urinal when Paul Stanley, in full makeup and costume, walks up to the urinal beside me. The bathroom is empty, but he picks the one next to mine. As I zip up he looks over my shoulder and says 'Nice dick,' sarcastically snickers and walks away. True story."
So Paul Stanley is a knob, and a dick-peeker as well!

Anyway, those old metal videos ruled! So funny.

I bought Rock Star on VCD a few weeks ago, and finally watched it the other night. What a top movie. It's piss funny in parts.
I was just referring to the Skid Row thing. He's a knob/wanker/tosser, and now it appears he likes to watch willies too.
There is in the Lick It Up vid.
However it may be a complete tranny for all I know.
Who do you think he means? Vinnie Vincent. :cry:

In the "All Hell's Breakin' Loose" video some guy comes up to attack Eric at the start and then Vinnie clobbers him and knocks him down hahahahaha. Go Vinnie! :headbang:

They hardly show Vinnie in that video though :( During his guitar solo (which is one of his coolest sounding I think) they don't even show a second of him playing it.

Paul Stanley is a champ :D Unlike Gene he seems like a really cool guy. He just thinks he is the ultimate sex god though and from what that post sounded like he wasn't wanting to look at another man's willy coz he likes it, he was just making a snide comment on his being better hahaha.
Troops, he punches donuts, face it :D That doesnt make his music any less great, but he is bisexual, even Gene has hinted at it!