Metal videos around 1983/84

I refuse to believe it. Paul would say it if he was, he isn't one to hide things like that imo. I mean look at the stuff he has come out and said lately that is so honest... "You're fooling yourself if you think Gene and I wrote most of Kiss' stuff" etc.

They often joke about that stuff (especially on Kiss Exposed) but I've never heard any serious hints about it.
He bites pillows. Dont worry Troops, he is only bisexual so its only half as bad as when you found out about Rob Halford :D
Don't cry Trent, I'm sure you're in with a pretty good chance... Paul probably likes younger men.

Ready to get your anal cherry popped? :D
Why is it called a cherry? Grapes are the same size as cherries, why isnt it called a grape?
Paul Stanley / Kiss
About 7 to 8 inches and he'll treat you very nice! He loves his hairy chest. One girl told me, "The only problem is when you're having sex with him you get the impression he's performing for 20,000 screaming fans. I have honestly never seen anyone look more retarded while having an orgasm. I thought he was having a seizure. Overall I'd give him a 9 in the sack, even though it was all I could do to keep from laughing when he came."

I don't know why I posted that but it's funny. :lol: "He loves his hairy chest" hahaha no shit.
I think Paul has fucked more women than any other gay guy in the world, with the possible exception of Freddie Mercury.

God Bless them both.