I seriously recommend checking out Images and Words.
I'll look it up when I get back to school. Unfortunately, I can't do it from here because I have 28k
Unless James' vocals are completely different from everything else I've heard from him, don't expect me to fall in love with it though.
Mainly Black Sabbath, Dio, and Blind Guardian.
I disagree that Black Sabbath is good, even objectively. I find their music to be rather minimalistic and amature at best. I certainly can't call Ozzy a bad singer though, but I absolutely hate the sound of his voice.
I'm not familiar with Dio aside from one song, but I can kind of see what you mean about Blind Guardian. I really enjoy the song Battlefield, but I really can't get into the Twist of Myth album. While on the topic of Blind Guardian though, I feel like I should mention Kamelot* and Sonata Arctica. Both bands are very talented, play high energy music and I even like both singers, but I have a lot of trouble listening to any of their songs all the way through
And I've heard that DT argument a thousand times before, but it's just wrong. First of all, listen to Images and Words before you say anything, and second of all, the first disc of 6DoIT is fucking solid.
If you actually expect to convince someone that they're wrong, you're going to need to cite more than 1½ exceptions.
Summoning. Epic, symphonic metal about Lord of the Rings.

I should be all over this band. Every time I try though I can't get into it. I think it partially has to do with their production.
I know what you mean. I could never get into this band either, but I think they're just too slow for my taste. If you're into Lord of the Rings inspired metal, you might want to check out Nazgul, if you haven't already. Objectively, I think they're amazing and I
do enjoy them, except for the vocals, but with any luck you won't even notice them.
Deep Purple?
Smoke on the Water annoys the fuck out of me.
I don't even find that song
objectively good.
Right on the first one, wrong on the second.
Mathiäs;7283788 said:
I'm pretty sure there will always be a conflict of opinion over these bands.
* I'm re-listening to the album The Black Halo right now and I take it back