New It Dies Today makes me want to vomit my Christmas dinner up.
Just started listening to "Protest the Hero". Any comments on them?? I don't listen to much MetalCore at all. These guys are great musicians, the vocals are not my thing though. It might grow on me a lot though, I really like "Kezia".
lamb of god is my favourite band now
i personally dont like black metal or anything like that, doesnt sound that great and dont look too nice
but maybe because i'm a Christian
OK seriously let's leave religion out of this you bunch of cockmasters.
Maroon owns your false bones.
We play the new BTBAM at work all the time now, it's a frustrating release, because the throwback 70's prog parts are just brilliantly integrated with the metal parts, but then they throw in a totally homo breakdown with annoying teenscream and all that shit. Ugh.
I feel so damn old. MetalCore didn't even exist when I started listening to Metal & I'm only 23, lol.
Protest the Hero is pretty damn good stuff though. I will check out their new one when it comes out, definitely.
the concept of metalcore has been around since the mid 1980s, actually.
And the concept of ramming ones ass full of hot iron pokers has been around since the middle-ages, though few of us indulge in it.