
a7x actually make some pretty solid albums, not their fault that theyre extremely flaming gay while they do it

hahahaha, so right dude....and started listening to Parkway Drive`s Horizions last night. fucking hell, thats one of the greatest metalcore albums ive ever heard...
I Killed The Prom Queen is also a good band in the genre, some of the songs got "in flames" coreish style over them. Im sure its just cause the produser is the same guy who has done some stuff with in flames. Just listening to the intro on "the deepest sleep", it could easy been the intro to a in flames song these days.
I guess every genre has different styles within it, but I've been noticing that a lot about metalcore..

On the one hand you have bands like Chimaira and Byzantine which are just really straight-forward heavy bands that use punk influenced vocals and grooves. They call themselves groove metal but now adays it seems like groove metal is a euphemism for metalcore.

Then you've got deathcore bands like Despised Icon which are extremely heavy but like the Byzantine-type bands they sprinkle their music with grooves.

And then you have bands like Atreyu which very much use a commercial, emo-esque kind of verse-chorus style and sprinkle their music with metal kitsch. I respect those bands for being able to marry pop styles with aspects of extreme metal, but I don't enjoy listening to them.

Anybody wanna throw some recs my way for the bands that are more like Despised Icon? To be honest I didn't even understand how they could be -core when I first heard them. But deathcore has become one of my favorite genres and the Chimaira-type metalcore bands are awesome too.

peace & love

When I fist started hearing the term 'metalcore' thrown about is was applied to bands like Converge, Botch, Coalesce, Cave In, etc. At the time I thought it was idiotic term, because there was nothing metal about any of those bands. Not in their riffs or style or anything. I had just always thought of them as strait up Hardcore bands. It seemed like any HC band that was a little 'faster'/'more technical'/'extended beyond the range of a gutter-chug tough-guy HC band' got labeled "metalcore". So I didn't accept 'metalcore' as a legitimate term for quite a while.

Although I now think it is an appropriate term for the newer crop of bands. They are legitimately combing elements of metal with that of Hardcore. Which I think is cool.

It's just a shame that the concept has become the latest trendy fad ripe for commercial exploitation. I think if it wasn't for the MTVization of metalcore, it could be a much more solid and healthy genre.

Because, unlike nu-metal, which was almost an entirely commercial entity completely separate from underground metal, metalcore is more of a spectrum of bands that go from underground/'honestly just trying to make music they like' to trendy/bandwagon commercial garbage. And, again unlike nu-metal, there are actually some really good metalcore bands out there if you sift through the crap.
Anyone hear the new Protest The Hero, it leaked a day ago or something. Solid album, but it's not as technical as Kezia.
I listened to Byzantine - Oblivion Beckons yesterday, and I didn't hear very much metalcore in it at all, aside from the more melodic parts.
I listened to Byzantine - Oblivion Beckons yesterday, and I didn't hear very much metalcore in it at all, aside from the more melodic parts.

Really? That's interesting. That album just came out yesterday, I haven't heard it yet. But on past albums they were definetly metalcore. The vocals are hardcore punk 101 and the music is a groove-metal type thing which seems to be the metalcore style.

On an unrelated... this is bound to be an unpopular topic since guys on here tend to dislike both Pantera and metalcore... but how metalcore do you think Pantera is? 'Cause honestly I think Phil Anselmo was heavily influenced by punk. The vocals were very aggresive and they played with Seth Putnam. And a lot of the "groove metal" bands today are also called metalcore, like Lamb of God, Chimaira, DevilDriver, Pro-Pain. And if you listen to a song like Suicide Note Part 2, that's a grindcore song, no? Or at least metalcore. I feel like if Pantera came out today with material like The Great Southern Trendkill album, they'd be unequivocably called metalcore. And they also had an obvious influence on the big metalcore bands.

Or who knows, maybe I just don't know what the fuck metalcore is. But just because they don't get called metalcore doesn't mean they don't sound quite similar, no? Opinions?
I like a lot of the metalcore stuff: Himsa, L.O.G., Unearth, Full Blown Chaos (pretty impressive live), etc. Then there's bands like The Red Chord that I have been bored shitless watching....jesus christ.....and three times no less.

Deathcore bands like Bring Me The Horizon, War From A Harlot's Mouth, Despised Icon and the like are cool to a degree. When they start using slow, boring breakdowns EVERY 6 SECONDS and all the scenester gets are getting hard and kung-fu dancing, I have to draw the line. The new Despised Icon, however, is much better than their previous work in my opinion, and they edged much closer to actual death metal with this release.
i thought the red chord were a great live show

bring me the horizon would be better if the singer didnt say "bitch" more often than they had breakdowns.

and i vote the last breakdown of between the buried and me - white walls as the best breakdown