
V5, have you heard the new The Concubine songs? They're pretty fucking amazing but they sound pretty borderline death metal.
There was a huge Metalcore concert in Indonesia recently. According to the news, a group of people died in the mosh pit. The band playing at the time was Beside. This has been circulating in many Asian metal forums and many people mistook Beside to be Deicide. Some people were asking that why they never knew Deicide were touring Asia.

Poor kids. Can't find information for the band though. It's big news here. Around 700 attended the concert. Hundred were trying to break in.

Here's a link for Al Jazeera

The weird thing is no one died when DEATH metal band jasad performed.
YES. Centralia is fucking awesome. They're certainly not your standard metalcore though, more math/experimental/twisted type stuff. I like them muchly.

If you're into them, you may like Five Star Prison Cell.

Yeah, Centralia is awesome. I can see Car Bomb getting even more amazing though.

As for good metalcore bands, I'd recommend Periphery. My friend showed me this band's myspace and they're incredible...somehow unsigned too lol.

check em out
I'm still debating whether or not I like All Shall Perish or not. I'm starting to think they are awesome musically but some of the br00tal-esque vocals and use of blast beats are turning me off.
I'd say they're a combo of Meshuggah and Sikth...I don't see where you get nu-metal from though lol

Well I've never cared for Meshuggah because they always sounded numetal-ish to me.

I just can't stand any kind of "groves" in my metal (with very few exceptions).

Now with grove metal bands like Meshuggah I can definitely respect them, unlike numetal. I just don't like them.
Breakdowns are a break in the rhythm, but aren't' necessarily a "groove". You can't just slash groove and rhythm together. Pretty much all metal (and music in general for that matter) has rhythm, but not necessarily "groove".

Besides, the "groove" we are talking about here isn't just a rhythm or something. It's a particular style of riff and/or beat that gets used in some metal and metal adjacent genres. One that was heavily abused by nu-metal, and has effectively tainted my ability to enjoy it.