
Breakdowns are a break in the rhythm, but aren't' necessarily a "groove". You can't just slash groove and rhythm together. Pretty much all metal (and music in general for that matter) has rhythm, but not necessarily "groove".

Besides, the "groove" we are talking about here isn't just a rhythm or something. It's a particular style of riff and/or beat that gets used in some metal and metal adjacent genres. One that was heavily abused by nu-metal, and has effectively tainted my ability to enjoy it.

all breakdowns have a certain groove to them, i'd love to hear one that doesnt
Breakdowns are a break in the rhythm, but aren't' necessarily a "groove". You can't just slash groove and rhythm together. Pretty much all metal (and music in general for that matter) has rhythm, but not necessarily "groove".

Besides, the "groove" we are talking about here isn't just a rhythm or something. It's a particular style of riff and/or beat that gets used in some metal and metal adjacent genres. One that was heavily abused by nu-metal, and has effectively tainted my ability to enjoy it.
This is correct. A 'groove' is a riff-based pattern, usually rather simple, catchy and is repeated at length. It's made to compliment and add to a rhythm, it was used in early american music styles like Jazz, blues, and so on.
all breakdowns have a certain groove to them, i'd love to hear one that doesnt

It doesn't matter. We aren't talking about breakdowns or 'general groove'.

We are talking about a specific style of "groove", used in Nu-metal, Meshuggah, Sikth, this band Periphery, and many others. I don't personally like it and don't tend to enjoy bands that make use of it.

So ... move along, nothing to see here.
Well I don't care for music that is purely rhythmic or "groovy" as you call it.

As such, I don't like nu-metal or slam death metal since both genres are usually pretty rhythm-based.
Most metalcore isn't purely rhythmic. It's got rhythmic sections (aka breakdowns) but the songs aren't generally completely rhythmic.
Althought I would consider all 3 bands melodic DM, lots of people seem to call Winter Solstice/Neaera/Fear My Thoughts metalcore. I always think of bands like Earth Crisis/Converge/All Out War/Vision Of Disorder as being 'metalcore'.
Althought I would consider all 3 bands melodic DM, lots of people seem to call Winter Solstice/Neaera/Fear My Thoughts metalcore. I always think of bands like Earth Crisis/Converge/All Out War/Vision Of Disorder as being 'metalcore'.

Most modern metalcore pretty much is just recycled melodic death metal with breakdowns, played by guys in girl pants and those stupid combover haircuts.

I already expressed my thoughts on old metalcore vs new metalcore in this post
Most modern metalcore pretty much is just recycled melodic death metal with breakdowns, played by guys in girl pants and those stupid combover haircuts.

I already expressed my thoughts on old metalcore vs new metalcore in this post

No care? =DDDD

Not sure what point you're tying to make. I do actually like alot of metalcore. Even some of the more generic at the gates ripoffs, if I think they are at least competent ripoffs.

I'm mostly just critical of the overall metalcore "scene", because it mostly seems to consist of recycling old metal, dressing it up with hip trendy fashion, over priced merch, spiffy myspace pages, and hocking it all to teens who think 'metal' sucks and believe they are the hottest new shit on the block.
I just think it's dumb how you think metalcore is all "At The Gates rip-off" bullshit. I also don't think the bands' style of dress should be relevant in any way.

I would suggest looking into the following bands (who are hardly "At The Gates rip-offs"):

7 Angels 7 Plagues
Faust Again
Fear My Thoughts
The Concubine
It's true that a lot of metalcore, especially the more popular bands, is just fusing melodeath (which sucks) with unimaginative hardcore. However, anyone with half a brain will know to ignore those bands and focus on the good ones.
Yeah, a lot of that stuff is "modern metalcore" which you just claimed was ATG rip-off.

You're being ridiculous. Nowhere did I say or imply that all metalcore is that same and/or sucks. Just the preponderance of it. Besides, most of the bands you listed are European metalcore (which I dislike for the most part, but for different reasons than US mc) which is a different beast then American stuff(thou that's seems to be changing), and a few bands that can hardly be counted as "modern" considering they've been broken up for over seven years.

You haven't proved any point.

I like a lot of metalcore. Just far more of it sucks then doesn't.