Metalheads and MMO's


Dec 5, 2002
Carrboro, NC
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Reading Pozest's post about Rockstar games brought up this question..

How many of you play MMO's? You'd think Power Metal and MMORPG's would go hand in hand, however, I dont know anyone(except maybe 2-3 people) that were into MMO's and metal. Most of the MMO guys here either listen to weird techno music or they are just so into the game that nothing else matters(mostly WoW-heads).

I was playing Guild Wars one day and there was this guy by the name of "Ensiferum", imagine my surprise, but lo and behold, the dude didnt know anything about the band, he had just heard the name and thought it was "kewl". bah...

So as far as MMO's are concerned, I've played City of Villains, WoW, Guild Wars, DDO and will probably try out the new LOTR MMo that's coming out, as well as the Marvel MMO thats coming out next year.

How about you guys?
Lol.. I play Guild Wars and two of my new Nightfall characters have Ensiferum in the name. I don't play them much though.
My PvP char name is usually El Norra Alila. I had to make a new one and used Diablo Swing.
Guild Wars is the only one I normally play. And I don't really consider it a MMO. More of a COO (cooperative online).
I've betad City of Villians and a few other games. Played FFXI for about a month. I usually just don't have the time to bother to pay for these. There's so many free "eternal beta" games out there, not much reason to pay a monthly fee. The one thing I loved about City of Villians was how in depth the character customization was. I'd love it if most games were like that.
I play World of Warcraft and Vanguard. Many of the people I play with in the games are metal fans, and I do my best to promote this festival.
I do not play any of the pay-to-play games. But I have played CRPG's since the first days of Baldurs Gate. Being an old-school D&D gamer, I tend to only enjoy those games based on the D&D rules. So from Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, I graduated to Neverwinter Nights when it was released. This past Christmas I purchased the NwN2 game and have been quite disappointed with it thus far.

I've tried Guild Wars and didn't care for it. Too fast-paced for me. :/

For anyone else who enjoys the original NwN game system, I am currently involved as a DM and part-time builder for Dead Winter Reigns - Adventures in the High Forest. We have recently launched this new project for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting and the original Neverwinter Nights CRPG. If you're interested in an immersive roleplaying community full of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable gamers, then drop by for a visit! =)

and yes, I obviously borrowed the title of our campaign from the Blind Guardian song of the same name. ;) At least I haven't named any characters after- oh wait... there is Udo Boltthrower, my dwarven warrior/priest. :oops: ...and Quorthon, the barbarian skald. [though I don't get to play as often as I once did].

*nervous chuckle*
I played Everquest for 5 or 6 years. I absolutely love that game, but the developers have foobar'ed it into something completely different from the original game; and they insist on revamping old-world zones and stuff .. makes me want to cry. Anyway, I play Guild Wars now, and my character has Quorthon in his name :D

Aside from MMO's, I mostly play CRPG's, with Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn as my favorite. I'm playing NWN 2 right now, and I find it to be a step-up from the original, though Theli will disagree. I haven't played it all the way through, nor have I messed with the toolkit this time around so there's more to do before I say one's better than the other.

Edit: Oh, and Japanese RPG's ... Final Fantasy Tactics is the best RPG ever made, with Final Fantasy VI right behind it
I played Ultima Online for 4 years ... once I conqured that, I tried Evercrack, which I hated, Shadowbane, which I hated, and I've been in WoW for 2 years now. I'm currently in the LOTRO Beta, but I dunno, It's not impressive. I'll probably give vanguard a look when it comes out.
Vanguard is out. Its a little buggy. But I like the role play/storyline of it. WoW I'm on Shadow Council.

I did the early LOTRO beta and I did not like it. I didn't like how everybody started in one spot. It really from the start did not feel like LOTR at all to me (other than the avatars).
We should all play The Chronicles of Spellborn! Within Temptation did two original songs for it. I've been looking into it. Seems like it could be a good mmorpg.
Yeah I'm interested in how that game turns out as well as the Sonata Arctica based game.
I don't have the highest hopes for that. Also a Firefly mmo in development. Think it's only in alpha. There's a lot to work with there but I'm having a hard time picturing it. Also think it'll be out 3 years too late unless there's more movies in the works (which I wouldn't mind at all).
Lol.. I play Guild Wars and two of my new Nightfall characters have Ensiferum in the name. I don't play them much though.
My PvP char name is usually El Norra Alila. I had to make a new one and used Diablo Swing.
Guild Wars is the only one I normally play. And I don't really consider it a MMO. More of a COO (cooperative online).
I've betad City of Villians and a few other games. Played FFXI for about a month. I usually just don't have the time to bother to pay for these. There's so many free "eternal beta" games out there, not much reason to pay a monthly fee. The one thing I loved about City of Villians was how in depth the character customization was. I'd love it if most games were like that.

I read somewhere in a Magazine that the new Marvel comics-based MMO will have similar customization options as City of villains/Heroes(its by the same developer) however, if the gameplay is like CoV i'll be greatly dissapointed.

My take on this is, if they make an MMO with CoV-type customization, Guild Wars-like storyline progression and WoW-like gameplay I'll be a fan for life.
We should all play The Chronicles of Spellborn! Within Temptation did two original songs for it. I've been looking into it. Seems like it could be a good mmorpg.

Hadn't heard about this MMO, is it a new game?

Can the guys that talked about the LOTR MMO tell us some more about what you didn't like about it? I saw some screen shots and read some reviews and all people would say was that it was WoW- in LOTR's universe(or vice-versa).
Hadn't heard about this MMO, is it a new game?
It's currently in development. I can't go to the site to give you any actual information and there's no english wikipedia article on this. A thread was created awhile ago here about the video for the game with a Within Temptation song. The band was asked if they could use an existing song or two and WT instead decided to create totally new ones based on the lore in the game.
It's currently in development. I can't go to the site to give you any actual information and there's no english wikipedia article on this. A thread was created awhile ago here about the video for the game with a Within Temptation song. The band was asked if they could use an existing song or two and WT instead decided to create totally new ones based on the lore in the game.

ok cool ,thanks! i'll keep an eye out for this game:headbang:
Currently playing Vanguard right now. Have done the WoW and EQ1/2 thing for a few years. Haven't really met any metal heads yet aside from a character named "Merciful Fate".
I played the baldur's gate and icewindale games. They were awesome.

I played Neverwinter Nights, haven't played the second one due to Rider of Theli being dissapointed so I haven't expressed much interest in wasting my money on it.

Guild Wars is by far my favorite MMORPG though, because its free, and I love to hack-n-slash my way through things from time to time. I always listened to Edguy when I was playing Guild Wars too, and I listened to Heimdall when I played Neverwinter Nights...So everytime I listen to these CDs I think about playing that particular game.

Anyways...just my $.02